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2023-08-27 01:54:00 +00:00
import Article from "@/components/Article";
import { Metadata } from "next";
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Article - Head Pain | Dr. Feely",
authors: [{ name: "Herbert C. Miller, D.O., FAAO" }],
description: `Pain has been defined in many ways, as the sensation “resulting
from the stimulation of specialized nerve endings, or, more poetically, as a
punishment or penalty, as for crime. Other definitions include acute
discomfort of body or mind, bodily or mental suffering or distress; a
distressing sensation, as in a particular part of the body, and trouble
experienced in doing something. (2) One's concept of pain may be colored by
diverse circumstances or, in scientific language, feedback. Head pain is
usually interpreted by the clinician from the therapeutic point of view, that
is, in terms of measures that may stop in, rather than in pathophysiologic
2023-08-27 01:54:00 +00:00
const ArticleOsteopathicHeadPain = () => {
return (
<Article title="Head Pain" author="Herbert C. Miller, D.O., FAAO">
<p>Reprinted with permission of the American Osteopathic Association.</p>
Pain has been defined in many ways, as the sensation resulting from the
stimulation of specialized nerve endings, or, more poetically, as a
punishment or penalty, as for crime. Other definitions include acute
discomfort of body or mind, bodily or mental suffering or distress; a
distressing sensation, as in a particular part of the body, and trouble
experienced in doing something. (2) One's concept of pain may be colored
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by diverse circumstances or, in scientific language, feedback. Head pain
is usually interpreted by the clinician from the therapeutic point of
view, that is, in terms of measures that may stop in, rather than in
pathophysiologic terms.
When analyzing head pain, the physician often prefers to look at it as a
phenomenon or as the result of stimulation of specialized nerve endings.
In reality, pain may be an interpretation of bodily or mental distress.
Boshes and Arieff (3) stated:
Certain aspects of pain are predicated exclusively on a neural
substrate. Here the basis is an event or an alteration in the nervous
system per se, as contrasted to pain caused by malignant disease,
infected tissue, fractures or the like. Various divisions of the nervous
system may be implicated and a description of the disability or the
manner of posture and movement is often sufficient to enable the trained
observer to gain an impression as to whether the pain is genuine or
functional. Such involvement may be at the receptive, the conductive,
the perceptive or the apperceptive level, or combinations thereof.
This would appear to be a generally accepted concept, and yet head pain
often is described and interpreted on the basis of a symptom complex
rather than in terms of the anatomic and physiologic organization of the
central nervous system. It is the purpose of this paper to attempt to
describe some of the mechanisms involved in head pain and to provide
these mechanisms with an osteopathic orientation.
<h2>Neural Pathways</h2>
Most of the sensory nerve distribution to the head and face occurs
through the trigeminal nerve (Cr V) and fibers of cervical nerves C1,
C2, and C3 (Fig. 1.). Smith (4) stated:
The trigeminal fibers subserving pain have their neurons in the
trigeminal or semilunar ganglion which lies in a cave of the aura mater
in the middle cranial fossa just anterior to the apex of the petrous
temporal bone. The peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve, . . .
the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular nerves . . . supply a fairly
well defined cutaneous area and broadly speaking, the deep structures
underlying it. There is little overlap with the adjoining cutaneous
fields of the cervical nerves.
The glossopharyugeal nerve supplies common sensibility to the posterior
third of the tongue, the pharynx, soft palate, tonsils and fauces, the
auditory tube, the tympanic cavity and mastoid air cells, and the inner
lining of the eardrum. The vagus nerve . . . supplies the general
somatic afferent fibers to the posterior portion of the external
auditory canal, part of the eardrum, and the skin of the cranial surface
of the auricle adjoining the scalp.
The pain and temperature fibers of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
relay to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract.
The cutaneous distribution of C I is not consistent. Larsell (5) said:
Occasionally it gives a cutaneous branch to the skin of the upper part
of the back of the neck and the lower part of the scalp.
The second cervical nerve chiefly supplies the area of the head and neck
adjoining the trigeminal territory, to which the third cervical nerve
contributes fibers. (4)
<p>Kimmel (5) stated:</p>
The nerve fibers supplying the cranial aura mater are derived from the
trigeminal nerve, the upper three cervical nerves, and the sympathetic
trunk. Nerve branches from the upper three cervical nerves and the
superior cervical ganglion supply the aura mater of the posterior
cranial fossa. The aural nerves derived from the three divisions of the
trigeminal nerve and from the sympathetic plexuses on the internal
carotid and middle meningeal arteries supply the remainder of the
cranial aura mater.
The first division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the aura mater in
the anterior cranial fossa, the diaphragm sellae, nearly all of the
cerebral falx, the tentorium cerebelli, part of the superior sagittal
sinus, the straight sinus, the superior wall of the transverse sinus,
and the terminal parts of the cerebral veins entering these sinuses.
The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve supplies the aura mater,
covering the anterior part of the middle cranial fossa. Branches of the
third, or mandibular, division of the trigeminal nerve supply the aura
mater in the posterior and lateral parts of the middle cranial fossa and
the aura mater lining most of the calvaria. (6)
Perhaps the more important aspect of pain is that it is not a single
identifiable entity. It may be represented by vastly complicated and
intricate processes or by the mere experiencing of the touch of a sharp
object. The integration of actual pain reception and perception
represents an area of widely diverse opinion. On the basis of the
observation that successive surgical interruptions of peripheral nerves,
posterior roots, spinal cord, and thalamus, and ablations of portions of
the cerebral hemispheres, may all fail to give permanent relief from
pain, Gooddy (7) concluded that any nervous pathways are potential
pain pathways.'
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Pain stimuli (or at least somatesthetic stimuli interpreted as pain)
arising from the spinal cord (C1, C2, and C3) pass principally to the
cuneate nucleus (homolateral), synapse, cross at this level, and ascend
to the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus.(8)
<p>Finneson (9) stated:</p>
The function of the thalamus is to pass impulses on to the
cerebralcortex, and it is presumed that these impulses are integrated by
the association nuclei in the thalamus before being relayed. The portion
of the thalamus that projects impulses to a specific cortical area
receives in return corticothalamic projection fibers from that area,
forming a circuit between thalamus and cortex.
Smith (4) said that pain fibers of the great auricular nerve synapse in
the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi, from which second order neurons
ascend in the lateral spinothalamic tract to the posteroventral nucleus
of the thalamus. He added:
Pain fibers from the trigeminal nerve have their cell bodies in the
semilunar ganglion. Their central processes descend, as the spinal
tract of the trigeminal nerve, in the lateral brain stem from the upper
pons to the C-2 level of the cord or even somewhat lower, to terminate
in the associated spinal trigeminal nucleus which lies adjacent and deep
to the tract. The spinal tract and the spinal nucleus correspond to and
are continuous with the dorsolateral fasciculus of the cord and the
substantia gelatinosa respectively.
Pain afferents from the face, arriving via the trigeminal,
glossopharyngeal, and vagal routes, relay to the portion of the spinal
nucleus lying below the inferior limit of the fourth ventricle.
Second order neurons from the spinal trigeminal nucleus cross the
midline . . . at the ventral secondary tract to ascend on the medial
aspect of the lateral spinothalamic tract to gain the thalamus. There is
doubt as to the thalamic termination of these fibers. The classic view
is that the trigeminal lemniscus (combining the ventral and dorsal
secondary trigeminal tracts) projects to the medial portion (arcuate
nucleus) of the posteroventral nucleus of the thalamus. From the
posteroventral nucleus of the thalamus, third order neurons pass in the
sensory radiation via the posterior limb of the internal capsule to the
somatic sensory area of the cortex in the lowest portion of the
postcentral areas (Brodmann's areas 3. 1. 2) just above the fissure of
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Sylvius. There is evidence of the face being represented bilaterally in
the thalamus and cortex. It is likely that the thalamus is responsible
for the recognition of pain but that the perception of pain as a mental
event requires cortical participation-probably diffuse and generalized
cortical participation.
There is also evidence that pain pathways from both cord and medulla
relay bilaterally in the reticular formation of the brain stem and
ascend by slow, multisynaptic routes to the medial thalamic nuclei and
become part of the diffuse thalamic system. The latter system, which is
thought to control the general level and direction of attention. May
also be responsible for the affective coloring of pain.
<h2>Vascular Elements</h2>
The sensitiveness of the vascular elements has been discussed by Wolff
(11). His investigation showed consistent sensitiveness to compression,
stretching, and faradic stimulation in the arterial system. The great
venous sinuses were less sensitive than the arteries to these stimuli,
and the lesser sinuses and veins lost sensitiveness in proportion to
their distance from the greater sinuses.
<p>Crosby and associates (11) stated:</p>
The blood vessels of the head receive their preganglionic sympathetic
innervation from T-1 to T-2, but C-8 and T-3 and even T-4 may also
contribute. The axons pass out into the sympathetic chain and ascend to
synapse in the stellate and the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia.
The postganglionic fibers distribute from the superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion with the external and internal carotid arteries to
the head. The intracranial postganglionics follow along the internal
carotid artery to the circle of Willis and along branches of the
external carotid and distribute to the adventitia and the smooth muscle
of intracranial vessels, including arterioles of the pie mater, but not
to the blood vessels in the brain substance. Postganglionic fibers also
distribute to the middle meningeal artery. The plexuses along the common
carotid and the internal carotid are not continuous with those on the
external carotid, so that stripping the plexuses from the common and
internal carotids will not destroy the sympathetic supply to the blood
vessels of the face and the head. Postganglionic fibers from the
stellate ganglion ascend along the vertebral arteries and the basilar
A parasympathetic innervation to some of the blood vessels of the head
likewise has been demonstrated. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of
the facial nerve turn off in the region of the geniculate ganglion to
run in the great superficial petrosal nerve to the plexus on the
internal carotid artery. Postganglionic fibers from small clusters of
ganglion cells on the blood vessels distribute as vasodilators of the
The vascular tone (sympathetic-parasympathetic influence) appears to be
mediated through the forebrain with connections in the hypothalamic
nuclei. Crosby and associates (11) wrote:
The pathways by which these impulses are discharged to hypothalamic and
midbrain segmental areas . . . constitute the various
cortico-hypo-thalamic . . . systems and the cortico-thalamo-hypothalamic
tracts by way of the dorsomedial thalarnic nucleus.
It seems probable, as others have suggested, that the cortical paths are
regulatory over the hypothalamic systems. The pathways in general
provide for emotional accompaniments to cortically initiated motor
responses carried over pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. . . .
Evidence has been forthcoming that pyramidal as well as extrapyramidal
systems carry corticofugal fibers for autonomic centers of the spinal
Before proceeding to a discussion of the types of stimuli that may be
interpreted as pain, the character of nerve endings present in the
meninges and associated structures of the head and neck should be
considered in order to clarify the types of stimuli that may give rise
to pain. Crosby and associates (11) wrote:
The sensory terminations in the aura have been studied by various
observers. The nerve endings at the base of the skull are less numerous
than on the convexity. They are in the form of end-branches knob- or
club-shaped terminations, or are like balls of twine.
They reported that Meissner corpuscles are associated with the finest
tactile sensation. The Golgi-Mazzoni receptor is said to be a pressure
receptor, of similar function to the Pacini corpuscle. The Krause
corpuscle has been associated with discrimination of low temperatures.
It has been suggested (11) that it may function to distinguish cool
rather than cold. Ruffini end organs appear to serve in more than one
type of receptor. The larger Ruffini endings serve as pressure endings,
while smaller endings of this type are present in the subcutaneous
connective tissue and are regarded as receptors of warmth. (11) Golgi,
Meissner, and Pacini corpuscles have been described as receptors of
discrimination in joint motion. They are credited with reporting motion
characteristics in regard to rate of position change, direction of
motion, and force required to produce position change. (12)
Now that the involved circuitry has been described, pain itself may be
considered. Pain may result directly from factors originating outside
the body (a sharp object or excessive heat), from pathophysiologic
changes within the body (sustained muscle tension or a tumor) or from
abnormally mediated psychologic factor~ through autonomic response. Pain
may result from mechanical or psychologic stimulation or a combination
of these. It may be described, then, as a response to stimuli that
threaten tissue integrity or organizational integrity of the body unit.
Various authors have classified pain according to the particular portion
of the nervous system immediate!! Responsible for the transmission of
the stimulus to the central nervous system. As Boshes and Arieff (3)
said pain may be classified as being at the receptive, the conductive,
the perceptive, or the apperceptive level, at a combination of these.
Pain must be discerned as a local, projected, or referred phenomenon.
Localized pain is restricted to the immediate area of reception, as in
pain in a toot from an apical abscess. Projected pain in the head may be
exemplified by trigeminal neuralgia, which Magoun (13) stated is . . .
apparently due to restriction in the aural investiture of the root as
passes over the petrous ridge, in Meckel's cave housing the ganglia or
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in the sleeves around the three branches as they exist from the skull.
ain is projected at times over the entire hemiface served by the nerve.
Referred pain may be exemplified by reference to the face of thrombosis
of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. (4)
Although these classifications of pain overlap to some degree, the use
of a combination of classification helps to explain various phenomena of
pain production. The Patient waiting for the attention of the dentist or
surgeon may suppress pain mentally and say, It doesn't hurt as it did
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yesterday, until the approach of the time for local anesthetic
preparation. Then a touch by any object may produce a unique response in
the area of attention. The apperceptive mechanisms, mediated through the
nuclei of the thalamus and modified through the cortifugal control
systems of the cerebellum, (14-17) plus the pituitary-adrenal
hyperfunction due to fear, cause pain uniquely individualized by the
patient's level of apprehension. The cortifugal controls exerted through
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the cerebellum modify the intensity of activity occurring both on a
motor level and through the thalamic nuclei. It appears that damage to
or suppression of the control system may be responsible for the
rigidity, hyperactivity, dysmetria, ataxia, and epileptiform activity
exhibited by patients with brain damage or trauma.(15)
Sutherland (18) described his observations and conclusions in reference
to stress mechanisms involving the aura mater and cranial sutures. The
observations of the various types of nerve endings in the leptomeninges
make the information supplied by stress on the aura mater and pie mater
available to the centers of perception, apperception, and motor
activity. It has been demonstrated (19) that the recurrent meningeal
nerves in the spinal area (especially the branches that enter through
the foremen magnum along with the internal carotid artery) are derived
from the sympathetic trunk and supply the aura mater lining the
posterior cranial fossa. This distribution makes available to this area
information from the outer layers of the cranial aura mater, which forms
the periosteum of the cranium, and the inner layer, which forms the
investing aura of the brain (the tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebri, and
falx cerebelli), and from the spinal cord meninges and supporting
Ray and Wolff (20) in 1940 studied the probable causes of headache or
head pain in relation to the aura mater from observations made on 30
patients during surgical procedures on the head; they concluded that the
pains result primarily from inflammation, traction, displacement, and
distention of pain-sensitive structures, of which cranial vascular
structures are most frequent and widely distributed. Unfortunately, they
failed to mention until Wolff's later work (10) that the actual pain
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sensitive nerve endings are located in the aura mater, the arachnoid,
and the pie mater supporting the vascular structures. These factors cast
new light on the observations of Sutherland, especially since the aura
mater on the internal surface of the cranium is continuous with the
periosteum of the head.
No studies have been published to support the possibility of a strain
gauge type of reporting across the sutures, but the observation of the
sensory distribution to the internal and external surfaces of the
cranial vault would appear to make such an arrangement feasible. (4, 6)
The information available indicates that essentially the same types of
stimuli elicit painful reactions whether they arise inside or outside
the cranium. Psychologic modification, through mechanisms mentioned, is
most likely to affect those areas of reception most easily observed
through the special senses, such as sight and hearing.
Since involvement of the special senses introduces the possibility of
modification of afferent stimuli by the limbic system, Aird (21) stated:
Neurophysiologic evidence has suggested that this portion of the nervous
system is concerned with smell, taste, and other special senses, the
gastrointestinal system and other autonomic functions, and behavioral
This brings pain into the area of psychoneurophysiologic processes of
reception, conduction, and perception to the stage of apperception or
total integration of the process of interpreting pain, and a possible
introduction of the subject of pain threshold (which is beyond the scope
of this paper).
It should be mentioned that there are definite interrelations between
the cortifugal system, mentioned earlier, and the limbic system, which
as yet are not clearly defined.
<h2>Osteopathic Approach</h2>
The foregoing discussion has described the circuitry necessary for the
identification and response to head pain. Feedback mechanisms necessary
to establish a cybernetic model have been outlined. On the basis of this
description it should not be difficult for the knowledgeable physician
to apply therapeutic measures. The knowledgeable osteopathic physician
possesses the palpatory skills to intervene directly in the
pathophysiologic process. Pain in the head, through the mechanism
described, produces palpable reflex area or tissue response, in the
superficial tissues such as the skin, the muscle, and deep connective
tissues. By discriminatory palpation he can determine the relative
duration or stage of chronicity of the condition and apply therapy.
Hoover (22-25) has written extensively and descriptively in regard to
application of technique to the various ages or stages of the process
involved in stress. He described a functional technique as opposed to
structural technique. By this technique the physician may affect the
established cybernetic system by entering the system as an aid in
diminishing the stress system established. In this mode of treatment
enough force is exerted, through the various planes of motion of
accommodation of the tissue or articulation, to bring the structures
involved to a point of what Hoover called dynamic reciprocal balance.
(25) In this way the physician establishes a servocybernetic system
which allows the tissue or articulation to establish a new state of
equilibrium within the limits of its ability to accommodate
physiologically. Hoover (24) stated:
Treatment by functional technic depends upon and is directed by the
reaction of a part of the patient to demands for activity made upon that
By the recruitment of the demonstrable changes in tissue and its
activity, it is possible for the palpating hand to discern the
cybernetic mechanisms involved in the origin of head pain.
<p>Harvey (25) stated:</p>
A basic cybernetic mechanism is feedback. This is the process of
transferring energy or information from the output of a circuit to its
input and is a generally accepted control mechanism in all types of
self-regulating systems that use closed-loop, negative feedback
I have not found active and passive joint motion palpation to be
sufficiently discriminating in the analysis of such cybernetic
mechanisms to allow me to enter into a servocybernetic relation with the
patient on a therapeutic level. After observation of several highly
skilled osteopathic physicians in their approaches to palpation and
treatment of a wide variety of pathophysiologic processes and syndromes,
a method of diagnostic palpation became apparent. As the newly found
method was used, its applications and uses began to reveal themselves,
and this continues. Articles (27, 28) have been published by two of the
highly skilled physicians whose work has been observed. The use of the
principles presented by these physicians allows one to determine the
area or areas of stress and the character of the assault involved and to
counteract their deleterious effects.
The previous discussion of mechanisms in the central nervous system
covered what is presently known of the circuitry involved in feedback
mechanisms of the human body in relation to head pain. After the
physician has determined the areas of stress and the character of the
assault, he bases his treatment on the counterbalancing of the stress
forces, that is, changing the characteristics of the input and feedback,
so as to create a servocybernetic system. Establishing controlled input
alters the level of control influence exerted by the negative feedback
The completion of treatment for any particular time is signaled by
improved physiologic reaction of the tissues involved, that is, an
increase in activity in hyperactive tissue, and a synchronous motion
(internal or external rotation; flexion or extension) with the basal
respiratory cycle or primary respiratory mechanism, as defined by
Magoun. (13) This allows the patient to establish a new level of
homeostasis compatible with his or her ability at any particular time to
recover from the original assault.
Stress patterns of considerable duration complicated by numerous
overlying injuries have responded in a surprising manner to treatment
applied in this manner.
<h2>Case Report</h2>
A 44-year-old white woman was admitted to the hospital with a chief
complaint of severe headaches, which occurred in the left occipital area
and radiated to the left temporal bone and vertex of the skull. The
headaches were associated with nausea and vomiting. Their onset was
associated with an automobile accident that had occurred six years
before this admission. Following the accident hemianesthesia involving
the left arm, leg, and side of the face developed. At that time the
patient had been hospitalized for 22 days. Her condition improved with
bed rest, but she had not been freed of pain, and paresthesia of the
left arm, leg, and side of the face remained. She was unable to turn
from a supine position to a left lateral recumbent position. It was not
clear whether this was due to weakness, loss of proprioception, or loss
of motor control. The patient had spent a total of 66 days in the
hospital over the next two years for paresthesia of the left side of the
body and headache (hemicephalgia on the left). The patient said that she
had not been unconscious at the time of or after the accident. There was
no familial history of neurologic disease or headache.
During the six years after the accident the patient had received nearly
every know type of therapy for cephalgia and migraine, including
administration of narcotics and adrenocorticoids and trigger-point
The patient's surgical history included appendectomy, cesarean section,
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and total hysterectomy. Neurological examination did not demonstrate any
abnormality, and the cellular structure of the cerebrospinal fluid and
the chemical contents were not remarkable. The pressure of cerebrospinal
fluid was in the middle of the normal range, and the Queckenstedt test
did not show abnormality. Laboratory tests, including complete blood
count, measurement of fasting blood sugar an creatinine, urinalysis, and
the VDRL test for syphilis at the time of admission and discharge showed
no abnormality. X-ray examination at the time of admission showed what
appeared to be an articulation between the posterior tubercle of the
posterior arch of the atlas an the occiput, and a decrease of the normal
lordotic curvature of the cervical spine, that is, a reversal the normal
cervical curve.
After a week's hospitalization, I was called in consultation, and my
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examination elicited the following additional findings: decrease in
backward bending the cervical spine, decrease in mobility in all
direction through the occipito-atlanto-axial articulation flattening of
the cervical lordotic curvature, bilateral compression through the
sacroiliac articulation sphenobasilar compression of the cranial
mechanic, with vertical strain (spheroid high), side bending rotation,
with convexity to the left, and slight torsion on the right. The entire
paravertebral mass from occiput to sacrum was under extreme tension.
The findings were compatible with the following diagnosis: Spinal
ligamentous strain and sprat (spheroid high), left side bending
rotation, and right torsion of the cranial mechanism. Treatment was
directed at relieving the stress on the meninges an vascular channel
throughout the cranial sacral mechanism to reduce edema, muscle tensions
and spasm and to reduce the level of afferent CNS input to establish a
more physiologic level of function.
Both cranial treatment and fascial release technique were directed to
the sphenobasilar vertical strain suboccipital area, and sacrum because
of the hyperirritability of these tissues and their inability to react.
The patient was not treated again for 48 hours because of other demands
on the physician's time. At the second treatment the tissue reaction was
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much improved, an the patient could withstand deeper treatment to the
involved area without excessive pain or tissue reaction After this
treatment the patient's cervical spine was reexamined
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roentgenologically, and the films showed that the posterior arch of the
atlas was no longer in contact with the occiput and that there was
improvement in the cervical anteroposterior curvature. The patient's
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pain decreased over the next 24 hours, and she was released from the
hospital to be seen at my office within 48 hours. The patient was seen
twice a week for the next three weeks. At the end of this time the
patient had been free of pain for approximately 10 days, end that length
of time between treatments was extended to, a week.
As the patient's tissue response improved, the interval between
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treatments was lenghtened correspondingly, without recurrence of severe
headaches until her daughter, who had a congenital cardiac valvular
lesion, told her parents she was pregnant. Headaches recurred, but
responded well to treatment. They recurred frequently but were
terminated on the arrival for a normal healthy granddaughter. At the
time of this report the patient still was seen on occasion for
maintenance and preventive treatment
<h2>Treatment Discussion</h2>
The treatment of this patient was carried out according to the
principles already described.
After routine physical examination a thorough palpatory examination was
carried out. Palpation began at the sacral area. With the patient in the
supine position, her sacrum was cupped in the examiner's left hand, with
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the first finger extending over the right sacroiliac articulation to
make contact with the right iliolumbar ligament (lower portion). The
little finger was placed at the left sacroiliac articulation and the
second and third fingertips placed just lateral to the tip of the
spinous process of the fifth lumbar segment of the spine. Light
palpation demonstrated relatively little activity of the tissues. When
palpation was deepened it demonstrated a rigidity of the ligamentous
structures supporting the sacroiliac articulations both anteriorly and
posteriorly and extreme tension through the iliolumbar ligaments
The examining procedure is as follows: Light palpation is carried out
with light contact with skin. The depth of palpation is increased by
establishing a fulcrum and gently increasing the tension or pressure
distal to the fulcrum so that the palpating hand may remain relaxed and
be used as a palpating instrument rather than attempting to constantly
monitor its own proprioceptive phenomena. The pressure is gently
increased until reaction is stimulated in the layer of tissue the
examiner wishes to palpate. The resulting tissue reaction will
demonstrate to the examiner the resultant force (the summation of the
various forces exerted at the time of injury) that elicited the
protective reaction of the tissues under examination.
The transition from examination to treatment is a matter of following
the resultant force to the point of dynamic reciprocal balance and
maintaining this balance until the tissues complete their accommodation.
This accommodation is accompanied with increased tissue relaxation, a
feeling of increased tissue vitality, and a longitudinal to-and-fro
motion corresponding to the primary respiratory cycle.
If continued force is applied to the injured tissues after the immediate
response, the ensuing fatigue may result in an adverse or excessive
reaction of the treated tissues, which appears to create a type of
kinesthetic shock (a dissociation of the proprioceptive motor feedback
mechanism resulting in a loss of coordinated, previously programmed or
learned motion patterns with an increase in sensitiveness and possibly
pain in the particular ligaments and connective tissues. This causes
gait or motion aberration that is not typical of the individual. This
usually occurs in a single member or limb or segment of such member or
Each area found to be involved in the total stress mechanism is treated
in a similar manner, the only differences being in the method of
application of the testing or treating forces to accommodate the
peculiarities of anatomic structure, of the region under study and
treatment. In the cervical area palpation is performed along the lateral
margin of the paravertebral mass that is located over the articular
pillar. This permits palpation of the paravertebral mass, the
periarticular ligaments, and the reaction of the musculature attached to
the anterior aspects of these vertebral segments. In palpation of the
cranium, the index finger approximates the lateral aspect of the great
wing of the spheroid; the second finger is placed posterior to the
sphenosquamal articulation; the third finger is placed at the
parietotemporo-occipital articulation (asterion), and the little finger
is placed on the occiput.
This contact is often altered to suit unusual injury patterns, but in
any case the application of treatment follows the same basic principles.
The fulcrum is usually established by crossing the thumbs. The flexor
pollicis longus muscle of each thumb is utilized to maintain good
contact and allow the hands to remain as relaxed as possible. Thus the
hands may be free to move within the demonstrated force mechanisms and
establish the dynamic reciprocal tension necessary to allow the tissues
to overcome injury force mechanisms. The mastering of this type of
therapeutic and diagnostic approach is not difficult but requires
studious concentration to avoid hindering the activity of the tissues,
so that they may reveal the stress patterns to which they have been
subjected. The physician must remain relaxed and observant so he may
participate in assisting the tissues to reach and maintain the point of
dynamic reciprocal tension.
The studies reviewed here demonstrated the possibility that pain may
arise from the neck and possibly lower levels. In many cases the
involvement of arthrodial articulations may require more stringent or
forceful modes of treatment than those described here. Hoover (22)
described the use of high velocity manipulation to accomplish a
popping of the joint so that the involved levels of discrimination
must rearrange their synaptic organization in response to shock produced
by the forceful articulatory motion. By this method a new level or at
least a different degree of function is established.
The little understood mechanisms of the central nervous system are
slowly revealing their intricacies through the devoted efforts of many
dedicated and curious researchers. These workers can divulge their
observations, but it becomes the responsibility of the physician to be
aware of their discoveries, analyze the information, and apply it
discreetly in clinical situations. The information presented here may
give the osteopathic physician a slightly different view and increase
the effectiveness of his application of osteopathic manipulative therapy
to his patient.
The neuroanatomy and physiology involved in head pain have been
discussed. Various types of input that may be characterized as pain have
been mentioned, and mechanisms involved in the apperception as pain have
been demonstrated. An attempt has been made to correlate the wide
varieties of osteopathic manipulative approach to the particular
situation in which pain is expressed in the head. A case history
exemplifying my approach to such problems has been presented and the
principles of treatment described.
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