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import Article from "@/components/Article";
import { Metadata } from "next";
2023-08-29 04:50:52 +00:00
import fiveElements from "@/public/content/acupuncture_elements.png";
import Image from "next/image";
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Article - Five Element Acupuncture | Dr. Feely",
authors: [{ name: "Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA" }],
description: `Five element acupuncture has been part of Chinese medicine since
the 10th century BC. The concepts first appeared in several books on
philosophy such as Shu Ching and the Li Chi and the Guan Dzu. The first
medical writings were found in 200 BC by the Nei Chin Su Wen. It was later
discussed by Shu Nan Ching. Five element concepts are not only of medical
theory but an integral aspect of all Chinese cosmetology and philosophy.`,
const ArticleFiveElementAcupuncture = () => {
return (
2023-08-29 04:50:52 +00:00
title="Five Element Acupuncture"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
2023-08-29 04:50:52 +00:00
Five element acupuncture has been part of Chinese medicine since the
10th century BC. The concepts first appeared in several books on
philosophy such as Shu Ching and the Li Chi and the Guan Dzu. The first
medical writings were found in 200 BC by the Nei Chin Su Wen. It was
later discussed by Shu Nan Ching. Five element concepts are not only of
medical theory but an integral aspect of all Chinese cosmetology and
The five element system divides the healing experience into five
distinct groupings called elements. The five elements include wood,
which relates to the liver and gall bladder; fire, which relates to the
heart, small intestine, triple heater, and master of the
heart/pericardium; earth, which relates to the spleen and stomach; metal
which relates to the lung and colon; water, which relates to the kidney
and bladder.
The levels of function range from biochemical processes to the function
of the organism as a whole. This includes behavior, psychological state,
relationships, career choices, and the like. The diagnosis of the five
elements in a clinical setting is done through the use of a system of
correspondences. Each element has a series of correspondence involving
the macrocosm, the season, the time of day, the climatic condition, the
microcosm, the taste in food, the emotional state, their color, body
odor, body orifice, sense organ, body tissue, and the corresponding
organ system.
The Nei Chin Su Wen describes the macro to microcosm of the wood element
as such:
The east creates the wind, the wind creates the wood, the wood creates
the sour flavor, the sour flavor strengthens the liver, the liver
nourishes the muscles, the liver governs the eyes, they eyes see the
darkness and the mystery of heaven and they discover the tao, the
right way among mankind.
<h2>Section A | Correspondences</h2>
Each element has associated pathological conditions. These pathological
conditions can reflect a dysfunction in a specific element but they do
not identify the acupuncture diagnosis necessarily.
<strong>Wood</strong> has the following diagnostic symptoms and
pathology: headaches, migraines, conjunctivitis, myofascial pain,
ligament injuries, sexual dysfunction, paraplegia, gall bladder
disease, liver disease, fatigue, insomnia, hypoglycemia
<strong>Fire </strong>has the following diagnostic symptoms and
pathology: insomnia, hearing problems, Belle's Palsy, trigeminal
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neuralgia, cerebral vascular accidents, anemias, fatigue, sexual
<strong>Earth</strong> has the following diagnostic symptoms and
pathology: gynecological disease and dysfunction, headaches, irritable
bowel syndrome, gastritis, sinusitis, eating disorders.
<strong>Metal</strong> has the following diagnostic symptoms and
pathology: asthma, colitis, allergic rhinitis, and eczema.
<strong>Water</strong> as the following diagnostic symptoms and
pathology: hypertension, gastritis, hearing disorders, spinal
disorders, cystitis and low back disorders.
Further correspondences with five elements include the emotional state,
which is of great clinical usefulness when assessing the elements.
<p>The abnormal emotional aspects are as follows:</p>
<strong>Wood </strong>is frustration, anxiety, and anger
<strong>Fire</strong> is the lack of or excessive joy
<strong>Earth</strong> is the excessive need for sympathy, excessive
introspection, and obsessional thinking
<strong>Metal </strong>is grief, sadness, and melancholia
<strong>Water</strong> is fear
<div className="flex justify-center">
alt="Diagram of the five elements of acupuncture"
<h2>Section B | Fire</h2>
Within each element there are officials. Officials are described as
defined not by physical properties but by specific roles in the
processing, storage, and distribution of vital energy and therefore the
maintenance of life.
In the fire element the organ/official the heart is the supreme
controller. The fire element the organ/official the small intestine is
the official and controller of transforming matter, separating the pure
from the unpure. The fire element the organ/official the pericardium is
the heart protector and circulation sex official. In fire element the
organ/official the triple heater is the official of balance and harmony.
<strong>Organs: </strong>Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, Triple
<strong>Physical: </strong>Heart and cardiovacular function, autonomic
nervous system, digestisve function, peripheral circulation
<strong>Psychological: </strong>Sorting and separating, boundaries,
self-expression, joy and happiness, love, warmth, relationships,
affection, sexuality, excitement, animation, enthusiasm, activity and
<strong>Physical Pathology: </strong>Cardiac disease, circulatory
disease, arrhythmias, irritable bowel syndrome, small bowel disease,
insomnia, environmental illness, dysatonomias, fatigue, neck and upper
back pain
<strong>Psychological Pathology: </strong>Relationship difficulties,
self-protective but wants intimacy, depression and absence of joy,
dysphoria, unhappiness, anxiety, insomnia, doubt and hesitation,
confusion and
<td>Joy/Lack of Joy</td>
<td>Heart, Pericardium, S. Intestine, 3 Heaters</td>
<td>11 am &ndash; 3 pm; 7 pm &ndash; 11 pm</td>
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<h2>Section C | Water</h2>
In the water element, the organ official bladder is the controller and
storage of water and the water element the kidney organ official is the
controller of water.
<strong>Organs</strong>: Kidney, Bladder
<strong>Physical</strong>: Bones, teeth, all secretions, endocrine
system, brain, urinary tract, kidneys, hearing, head hair, DNA,
<strong>Psychological</strong>: Reserves and resources, trust and faith,
ability to overcome, will power, self-actualization, intelligence and
cleverness, capacities, self-preservation, power, survival and
persistence, setting limits, taking risks
<strong>Physical Pathology</strong>: All urinary tract disorders,
interstitial cystitis, adrenal insufficiency, all pituitary disorders,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, aging, lumbar and cervical spine,
most back pain syndromes, hypertension, fatigue, constitutional
weakness, poor libido
<strong>Psychological Pathology</strong>: Mistrust, fear, paranoia,
overwhelmed, surrenders, lack of faith, lack of reserves, poor flow and
movement, withdraws and isolates, needs reassurance
<strong>Water Element Correspondences</strong>
<td>Kidneys, Bladder</td>
<td>Anus, Urethra</td>
<td>Head Hair</td>
<td>3 pm &ndash; 7 pm</td>
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<h2>Section D | Wood</h2>
In the wood element the organ/official the gall bladder is the official
of decision-making and wise judgment. In the wood element the
organ/official the liver is the controller of planning.
<strong>Organs: </strong>Gall Bladder, Liver
<strong>Physical: </strong>Muscles and tendons, eyes and visual system,
biliary tract
<strong>Psychological: </strong>Planning, organization, decisions,
direction, coordination, transformation and change, emotional
expression, flexibility
<strong>Physical Pathology: </strong>Migraine, headaches, fibromyalgia,
musculoskeletal problems, PMS, biliary disease, digestive disorders, eye
<strong>Psychological Pathology: </strong>Anger, anxiety, insomnia,
indecision and paralysis, drug abuse, need for control, frustration,
needs to challenge
<strong>Wood Element Correspondences</strong>
<td>Liver, Gall Bladder</td>
<td>11 pm &ndash; 3 am</td>
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<h2>Section E | Metal</h2>
In the metal element the organ/official the lung is the controller of
receiving pure chi from the heavens. In the metal element the
organ/official the colon is the controller of drainage and drags.
<strong>Organs: </strong>Lungs, Large Intestine
<strong>Physical: </strong>Skin, nose, resistance to infections,
perspiration, circadian rhythms
<strong>Psychological: </strong>Resilience, strength, endurance,
self-worth, capacity to grieve, elimination and letting go, inspiration,
values, spirituality, father, meaningfulness, purpose
<strong>Physical Pathology: </strong>Asthma, bronchitis, recurrent
respiratory infections, all lung disorders, rhinitis, ulcerativve
colitis, diarrhea, constipation, eczema and all skin disorders, poor
endurance and fatigue
<strong>Psychological Pathology: </strong>Perfectionist, withdrawn and
cut off, needs companionship, cruel, wants revenge, lacks inspiration,
regrets, rigid, grief, depression, inflexible
<strong>Metal Element Correspondences</strong>
<td>Lungs, Large Intestine</td>
<td>Body Hair</td>
<td>Pungent, Acrid</td>
<td>3 am &ndash; 7 am</td>
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<h2>Section F | Earth</h2>
In the earth element the organ/offical the stomach is the controller of
rottening and ripening. The earth element organ/official the spleen is
the controller of transport.
<strong>Organs: </strong>Spleen, Stomach
<strong>Physical: </strong>Upper digestive tract, blood formation,
immune system, metabolism of food, gynecological function, fertility,
mouth, sinuses, subcutaneous tissue
<strong>Psychological: </strong>Nourishment, contentment, stability,
security, mothering, centerdness, fulfillment, groundedness, empathy and
<strong>Physical Pathology: </strong>Sinusitis, frontal headaches, all
gynecological problems, infertility, fluid retention, fatigue, diabetes,
hypoglycemia, ulcer disease, functional dyspepsia, malabsorption,
obesity, malnourished
<strong>Psychological Pathology: </strong>Eating disorders, selfishness,
obsessive compulsive disorders, opinionated, stubborn, insecure, craves
attention and understanding, excessive worry, feels deprived
<strong>Earth Element Correspondences</strong>
<td>Spleen, Stomach</td>
<td>Late Summer</td>
<td>7 am &ndash; 11 am</td>
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<h2>Section G | Example</h2>
For example, the gall bladder is responsible for what is exact and just
and the determinations and decisions stem from that whereas the liver
holds the office of general assessing circumstances and conceptions of
plans. If these officials are poorly functioning the effect may be
indecisiveness, lack of initiative, anger, and frustration or
hypochondriasis. The ability to make appropriate plans is affected and
disturbance in the blueprint for functioning on the cellular level such
as diabetes on a global level such as drug addiction might be the
outcome. According to the Nei Ching the wood element provides the
ability to discover the tao, the right way. This allows the person to
have healthy decision-making, planning, and a balance in
well-coordinated lifestyle. The wood element is associated with new
ideas, the spring, the new growth, and the sense of renewal that goes
with that season. The emotion associated with wood is anger, which is
generated by the frustration of being blocked in setting out on these
new paths.
The <em>Nei Ching </em>states of wood, colors they create that bring
color, and they give to the human voice the ability to form a shouting
sound, in times of excitement they grant the capacity for control, and
of the emotions they create anger.
In five element acupuncture, illness occurs when the officials are
unable to overcome either internal, such as excessive emotions, or
external, such as injuries, surgery, climatic conditions, or inherited
perverse energies. What appears to a physician at the onset of a present
illness is often a combination of a long sequence of energetic
disturbances in the officials of the elements.
A five element acupuncture physician in the physical examination focuses
on the correspondences available to the patient, facial color, the sound
of the voice, emotions expressed, the odor of the torso, and the general
presentation of the person. Importance is made in the traditional pulse
diagnosis with the emphasis on the individualization of the twelve
officials. The history is thorough and complete and emphasizes
chronological events. The goal of the evaluation is to determine the
official which is the causative factor, that aspect of the energetic
system which is at the root of the imbalance overall for the patient.
The causative factors are either inherited or an acquired condition. If
acquired it is often the result of childhood experiences that created
disequilibrium. Traumas from the physical, emotional, infectious, and
climatic nature will then bring on the causative factor or pathological
state with the symptoms occurring then.
<h2>Section H | 5-Element Laws</h2>
There are several laws in acupuncture that determines what the
configuration of what the patient's symptoms may be. These laws include
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the law of creating that is the shen cycle, the loq of control that is
the KO cycle, midday and midnight cycle, and mother-child cycle.
The shen cycle is best understood in the macrocosmic images of the five
elements. The wood produces plants and trees that is wood, wood brings
forth fiver, fire produces ashes that is soil (earht), soil brings forth
metal, when heated metal produces steam that is water.
The controlling cycle, KO cycle, is illustrated as follows: water
overcomes fire, fire melts the metal, metal in the form of a knife
overcomes wood, wood as in the form of a spade overcomes soil (earth),
soil in the form of a dike subdues the water.
In illness, for example, of the wood an imbalance of this element would
cause symptoms to be seen in the wood in the fire through the shen cycle
or in the earth through the KO cycle.
The outer arrows represent the movement of the shen cycle. The inner
arrows represent the movement of the KO cycle.
<h2>Section I | Conclusion</h2>
J. R. Worsley, an English professor of acupuncture, a leading exponent
of five element acupuncture came up with the concept that is important
in today's medical practice that is the level of illness. The levels
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reflect the depth of the illness within the person physical, mental, or
In our society today there are many people with chronic illnesses on
what could be called a spiritual level. These patients appear unwilling
to change, seem empty of purpose or commitment, and create a deep drain
on the physicians and the medical system. Patients with mental level
illness are constantly trying to figure out their problems and often are
obsessed with the needs to understand what is happening. A physical
level illness actually represents the smallest percentage of the
patients seen in today's modern medical practice.
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Once the causative factors are established, the level of illness is
understood, the laws of acupuncture are fully comprehended then
treatment will proceed in a very effective manner.
For example, in a case of a wood element for what might be expected to
be improved is judgment, healthier decision making, less hostility, less
need for control, clearer vision of future needs. From these changes a
myriad of physiological and psychological pathologies can improve as the
wood element returns to normal functioning on all these levels.
The improvement and function of one official of an element will lead to
a dramatic changes in the individuals overall well being. When the
twelve officials are all in a state of balance then one is well suited
to deal with the challenges of human control.
When a physician is dealing with a complex patient with a multifaceted
problem, it is a challenge to place the information in context that can
lead to effective treatment. It is in this aspect that the five element
acupuncture is most persuasive. The current ideas of spsycho-neural
immunology are seen within the five element concepts of causative factor
officials in level of illness. Both physical and emotional symptoms can
be placed within the diagnostic framework and the most significant of
all aspects of the five element approach is that it allows us to treat
the patient/person who has the disease as well as the symptoms
export default ArticleFiveElementAcupuncture;