
244 lines
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import Article from "@/components/Article";
import { Metadata } from "next";
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Article - Acupuncture Letter | Dr. Feely",
authors: [{ name: "Marshall H. Sager, D.O." }],
description: `TO: Members of The White House Commission On Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Policy The ancient medical modality of acupuncture is
rapidly evolving as an effective complimentary paradigm within the framework
of modern American medicine. Since President Nixons trip to China in 1972,
and the New York Times James Restons dramatic appendectomy during that trip,
interest in, and the popularity of, acupuncture has surged in America.`,
const ArticleAcupunctureLetter = () => {
return (
2023-08-29 04:50:52 +00:00
<Article title="Acupuncture Letter" author="">
TO: Members of The White House Commission On Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Policy
<p>FROM: Marshall H. Sager, D.O.</p>
<p>The American Academy Of Medical Acupuncture</p>
<p>DATE: November 28, 2000</p>
RE: December 5-6 Commission Meeting on Guidance for Access to, Delivery
of, and Reimbursement for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Practices and Interventions.
The ancient medical modality of acupuncture is rapidly evolving as an
effective complimentary paradigm within the framework of modern American
medicine. Since President Nixons trip to China in 1972, and the New
York Times James Restons dramatic appendectomy during that trip,
interest in, and the popularity of, acupuncture has surged in America.
This popular pressure has led to scientific investigation of
acupunctures physiologic impact by the World Health Organization and,
most recently, by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Studies by
these august bodies have concentrated on pain management and various
disease entities and health problems as well as the integration of
acupuncture into contemporary medical practice. The results of these
studies have been positive and enlightening, lending credence to the
efficacy of acupuncture a medical paradigm which has persisted for
more than 5,000 years.
Medical Acupuncture, as distinguished from acupuncture, is the clinical
discipline of acupuncture as practiced by a physician who is also
trained and licensed in western bio-medicine. With its foundation in
ancient Chinese medical theory and practice, Medical Acupuncture has
become a therapeutic partner with conventional western bio-pharmacology.
A physician who practices Medical Acupuncture offers a uniquely
comprehensive approach to patient health care an approach that
combines western and eastern medical modalities. In other words the
best of both worlds.
Physicians who practice Medical Acupuncture treat as wide a spectrum of
medical challenges as do their western bio-medically-oriented
counterparts. The distinction lies in basic philosophy. While western
physicians treat problems people have, the Medical Acupuncture physician
treats people with problems. With Medical Acupuncture, the concentration
is on the well-being and health of the whole person. The goal is to
restore the individual to a state of balance and harmony within
him/herself and with his/her environment. This is in contrast to the
traditional western medical approach which concentrates on ameliorating
or combating a particular problem or symptom. As the Medical Acupuncture
physician is well versed in both western and eastern paradigms, he/she
can combine acupuncture effectively with conventional medical or
surgical interventions.
The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA) has experienced an
approximately 20 percent annual membership increase over the last 5
years. Its current membership is nearly 2,000 physicians. As the only
medical specialty society for physicians practicing acupuncture in North
America, the AAMA is a leader in establishing and maintaining the
highest standards of training and continuing education in practice of
Medical Acupuncture. The AAMA is committed to the pursuit of excellence
in this field of medicine and will continue to maintain this ideal as
its highest priority.
Just as there are many sub-specialties within western medicine, so there
are multiple disciplines within the practice of Medical Acupuncture and
all of them are represented in the AAMAs membership. The training and
practice requirements for membership in the AAMA are based on
international standards and serve as a model for state licensure of
medical acupuncture physicians, hospital practice privileges, liability
coverage and third party reimbursement.
Acupuncture practice by physicians falls within the scope of the
practice of medicine. Medical acupuncture specifically represents the
use of acupuncture by fully trained and licensed physicians. By
effectively combining the practices of western and eastern medicine, the
Medical Acupuncturist fills a unique and critical role in patient care.
Once again, we reiterate the best of both worlds.
The AAMA adamantly believes that appropriately trained Medical
Acupuncture physicians must be permitted to use his/her knowledge and
skill to benefit his/her patients. Healing is both an art and a science.
The ability to help and to heal is the ultimate privilege. This ability
must not be abridged or curtailed in any way. Understanding the depth of
commitment of physician acupuncturists and regulating their practice
rights must come from ones peers. Therefore, the AAMA contends that, as
is the case with any other medical specialty, regulation of physicians
practicing acupuncture must come only from medical boards.
Incredulously, the medical acupuncturists private practice rights are
currently threatened by the restructuring of health care delivery and
reimbursement. The AAMA seeks protection of the physician
acupuncturists rights, appropriate endorsement by the conventional
medical establishment and recognition by health care providers of
medical acupuncture physicians whose practice may be uniquely different
from that of their other medical colleagues as well as non-physician
acupuncture practitioners.
The AAMA requires all members to be graduates of accredited American
medical schools with more that 4,000 hours of allopathic education and
licensed to practice medicine in their State. In addition, the AAMA
requires 200 hours of formal, approved acupuncture instruction,
consisting of 120 hours of didactic education and 80 hours of clinical
training followed by two years of clinical acupuncture practice.
Satisfaction of each and every one of these requirements entitles a
physician acupuncturist to Full Practice Membership in the AAMA. The
AAMA also requires each member physician to fulfill 50 hours of approved
continuing education in acupuncture every three years.
These requirements are consistent with the world-wide standards
established by the World Health Organization and the World Federation of
Acupuncture/Moxibustion Societies.
After completing comprehensive training, medical acupuncture physicians
are eligible to sit for an exhaustive examination which could lead to
board certification through the American Board of Medical Acupuncture.
This examination is the most comprehensive measure of expertise in the
multiple disciplines of acupuncture in the world.
It is of little value to have the potential for receiving the best
medical care in the world if access to that care it is routinely
blocked. This is precisely the case with delivery of Medical Acupuncture
services throughout America. And this problem is critically and sadly
magnified for the elderly those who would most benefit from easy
access to Medical Acupuncture.
Reimbursement for Medical Acupuncture services is sparse, at best in
21st century America. Essentially, these medical services are limited to
those patients who can afford to pay out of pocket. While physicians are
routinely reimbursed by third party payers for conventional Western
medical paradigm related services such as Evaluation and Management
(E&amp;M), rehabilitation, inoculations and the like, payment for and
access to the ancient, well-respected and effective medical practice and
intervention of Medical Acupuncture is generally precluded. This is
illogical and disturbing, especially when we consider caring for our
elderly those who could benefit significantly from easy access to
Medical Acupuncture therapy. Let us not forget that the elderly suffer
from chronic and painful problems which are often uncontrolled by
bio-pharmaceuticals. Let us also not forget that our elderly are most
likely to suffer from drug interactions and adverse side effects. And
finally, let us not forget that Medical Acupuncture is side-effect free,
painless and effective. Those of us who care respectfully request no,
we demand that this inequity be remedied.
Unfortunately, there is no quick fix to this problem. It must begin
with todays medical students and extend to continuing medical education
programs throughout the nation. Medical students and physicians must be
educated about the use and effectiveness of all complimentary medical
modalities, especially Medical Acupuncture. And they must understand
that, when administered by a licensed physician, Medical Acupuncture is
an ideal compliment to traditional western drug and surgical
interventions. They must understand its benefits and applications so as
to be able to inform their patients of the conventional, complimentary
and alternative medical options and choices available to them. And they
must understand that Medical Acupuncture is not a threat to their
practice, it is an enhancement to their success.
In the present medical reimbursement climate, knowledgeable physicians
who prescribe complimentary and alternative medical interventions must
constantly weigh the insurance coverage considerations against the
out-of-pocket burden both for themselves and their patients. Being able
to assess every patient from both Western and Eastern vantage points
represents a remarkable advantage for the patient. Again, we repeat, the
best of both worlds. Insuring that physician acupuncturists are
appropriately compensated for their expertise and time insures the
integrity of the practice of Medical Acupuncture and the safety of the
patients. The best and the brightest will not be able to afford the
extraordinary amount of time and emotional commitment to learning this
complex paradigm if they will not be appropriately compensated at the
end of their efforts.
This fact of non-reimbursement for physician acupuncturist is causing a
strain on our healthcare system. The fact that most health care plans do
not reimburse for physician acupuncturists has forced patients from
their primary medical care providers and out of the healthcare system.
This tends to fractionalize health care a less than desired condition.
Furthermore, a disparity in health care delivery that borders on
discriminatory is created with the poor patient unable to participate
because of limited out-of- pocket resources.
Finally, we must look at hospital care in America. Earlier I mentioned
famed columnist James Reston. In China, he benefited from acupuncture
analgesia and anesthesia. Yet in America there is a virtual dearth of
Medical Acupuncture in the hospital setting. This must be changed.
Hospitalized patients can benefit enormously from Medical Acupuncture to
alleviate pain and expedite recovery. Medical Acupuncture saves money.
Patients recover faster. Post hospitalization office visits are reduced.
Everyone benefits.
In fact, thats the main point of my presentation. Medical Acupuncture
creates win-win scenarios. Patients benefit by a speedy recovery and
bio-pharmaceutical reduction. Surgeons benefit because their patients
heal faster. Hospitals benefit because of shorter hospital stays. The
public benefits because of reduced health care costs. A win-win all
<p>Thank you for your time and consideration.</p>
<em>Marshall H. Sager, D.O.</em>
export default ArticleAcupunctureLetter;