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2023-08-28 22:06:06 +00:00
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticleEarAcupuncture = () => {
2023-08-28 22:06:06 +00:00
return (
title="Ear Acupuncture"
2023-08-28 22:06:06 +00:00
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic intervention in which the auricle of
the external ear is utilized to alleviate pain, dysfunction and disease
as represented and manifest throughout the body.
The auricle of the ear is a complete Microsystem of the human body. All
vertebra, sympathetic/parasympathetic nerves, spinal nerves, visceral
organs and the central nervous system, and including all anatomical
sites and many functional points are represented on the ear. They total
over 200 specific acupuncture points.
While originally based upon the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture,
the somatic tropic correspondence of specific parts of the body to
specific parts of the ear was first developed in France by Dr. Paul
<h2>Section A | History</h2>
All systems of acupuncture began originally in China with the Yellow
Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine compiled in 500 B.C. In this text,
the six yang meridians wereB.C. connected to the auricle of the ear.
Whereas the six yin meridians were indirectly connected to the ear by
its corresponding yang meridian. These ancient Chinese ear acupuncture
points were scattered over the auricle of the ear. Ancient Egypt,
Greece, and Rome between 500 B.C. and 100 A.D.. had recorded clinical
uses of earrings and other forms of ear stimulation for various
problems particularly in the treatment of sexual and menstrual disorders
which Hypocrites and Galen recorded. After the fall of Rome
approximately 200 A.D.. ancient medical records were found in Persia
where the medical treatment for sciatic pain was cauterization on the
From 1500-1700 the Dutch East Indian Company, while merchant trading in
China brought many Chinese acupuncture procedures back to Europe
including the use of ear acupuncture. It was the Dutch East Indian
Company that saw acupuncture being used in the orient where medicine was
placed next to the needle site and they then developed the Western
hypodermic needle from Chinese acupuncture needles. Sporadic clinical
reports in Europe were discussed with the use of ear cauterization to
relieve sciatic pain.
Then in 1957, Dr. Paul Nogier, a physician from Lyon, France observed
the occurrence of scars on the ears of a patient who were successfully
treated for sciatic pain by French lay practitioners. Dr. Nogier then
developed a somatatopic map of the ear based upon the inverted fetus
concept. His work was first presented in France and then published by a
German acupuncture society and then finally translated into Chinese. In
1958, a massive study was initialed by Nanking Army Ear acupuncture
research team which verified the clinical accuracy of Dr. Nogiers
inverted man concept of the little man on the ear. During the cultural
revolution, the barefoot doctors were taught the easy techniques of
ear acupuncture to bring healthcare to the Chinese masses.n of names of
auricular anatomy in location of ear reflex points.
In 1980, a double blind experimentally controlled research study at UCLA
Pain Management Center department of anesthesiology UCLA School of
Medicine conducted a research study by Richard J. Kroeuning M.D., Ph.D
and Terry D. Oleson Ph.D. This study reported in PAIN verified the
scientific accuracy of auricular diagnosis. There is a statistically
significant level of 75% accuracy achieved in diagnosing musculoskeletal
pain problems in 40 pain patients. Specific areas of height and
tenderness and increased electrical activity on the ear predicted
specific areas of the body where some pain or dysfunction would be
identified whereas the body free of pathology corresponded to non-active
points on the ear.
Research that followed throughout the United States utilized both the
Chinese and the French Auricular acupuncture points for the treatment of
chronic pain problems and the withdrawal from narcotic, alcohol and
nicotine. International meetings of the World National Organization in
1990 culminated in a standardization of names of auricular anatomy in
location of ear reflex points.
<h2>Modern China</h2>
While classical acupuncture was first developed in China, its use
diminished in the 1800s when China was dominated by Western powers from
Europe. Then with the cultural revolution of Mao Sae Tong, the Chinese
with the inverted fetus concept rediscovered and identified auricular
acupuncture as a potent diagnostic and therapeutic weapon. Dr. Chen
Gong-Sun of Nanking Medical University confirmed the great changes in
the practice of ear acupuncture that occured in China in the 1995
international symposium and credited Dr. Nogier with systematizing ear
acupuncture as a somatatopic pattern of the inverted fetus for
More recent Chinese discoveries focused on ear acupuncture and diagnosis
as a guide for recommending Chinese herbal remedies. Auricular points
are selected according to: (1) corresponding body regions where there is
pain or pathology according to the (2) pathological reactive points
tender to touch, according to (3) the principles of traditional Chinese
medicine, (4) the meridian theory, (5) according to physiological
understanding derived from modern western medicine, and according to the
(6) known therapeutic effects of a point in addition to the results of
experiments in clinical observations of the practitioners. The world
health organization and the Chinese government defined a localization of
91 specific auricular points by 1995.
<h2>The Europeans</h2>
Much of the work of auricular therapy was delineated by Dr. Paul Nogier
first textbook on the subject , The treatus of Auriculotherapy 1972.
In 1950 Dr. Nogier was intrigued by a strange scar which patient had in
the external ear. He found that it was a treatment for sciatic a
involving cauterization of the edge of antihelix on the same side of the
neuralgia which had previously been observed.
These patients were unanimous in stating that they had received relief
for their sciatica pain within hours and even minutes from this ear
cauterization. While discussing this anithelix cauterization point for
sciatica with a colleague, Dr. Aman Thieu told Dr. Nogier the problem
with sciatic is the problem with the lumbosacral hinge. Dr. Nogier then
conjectured that the antihelix area cauterized for sciatica could
correspond to the lumbosacral joint and whole antihelix could represent
the spinal column. The head could correspond to the lobe and the
antitragius area. In this way the ear could resemble an embryo in utero.
First Nogier experimented with cautery, then with a needle, and then
with electrical microcurrents imperceptible to the patient. Theses
microcurrents were successful in relieving pain and caused no undue
nervous upset to the patient which cauterization had done. In 1955, Dr.
Nogier mentioned his discoveries to the undisputed master of acupuncture
in France Dr. Niboyet and as a result Dr. Nogier presented his findings
to the Mediterranean Society in 1956 in which Dr. Bachman of Munich
Germany was in attendance. He published Dr. Nogiers findings in an
acupuncture journal which has worldwide circulation particularly in the
far east . Because of these translations from German, the ear reflex
system was soon known by Chinese and Japanese acupuncturist. Dr. Nogier
commented that each doctor needs to be convinced of the efficacy of
this ear reflex method by personal results that he or she is right. They
are indeed fortunate people who can convince themselves simply by noting
the improvement of a symptoms they themselves have experienced As Dr.
Nogier says the first stages of learning the map of the ear consist of
getting to know the morphology of the external ear, its reflex,
cartography and found to treat simple pains of traumatic origins.
In 1966, Dr. Nogier, discovered a change in the radial arterial pulse
following tactile simulation to the ear. This was called the articular
cardiac reflex. This pulse change was a modification of the pulse
amplitude and way form. It is not related to the changes in the pulse
rate. The Auricular cardiac reflex has been important in identifying
each ear reflex points corresponding to particular parts of the body
where there is pain or pathology. Later, Dr. Nogier revised the name of
auricular cardiac reflex to the vascular autonomic signal (VAS) when he
realized that this was an involuntary arterial reflex and was not
limited to auricular stimulation but was in fact a general vascular
continuous reflex that could be achieved by tactile and electrical
stimulation for many body areas. The use of a VAS is an integral part of
auricular medicine. Besides using mechanical pressure or electrical
stimulation, light frequency filters and chemical substances on slides
were put over the surface of the ear to demonstrate a VAS response.
Wherever there was pathology in the corresponding area of the body. As
of this date, Dr. Paul Nogier is still alive in Leon, France, retired.
<h2>Section B | Body and Ear</h2>
Both ear and body acupuncture take their origins from China. However
body acupuncture has remained essentially unchanged whereas ear
acupuncture has been greatly modified by the discoveries of Dr. Paul
Nogier and further research is continuing to yield never developments in
auricular diagnosis and treatment.
Body acupuncture is based upon a system of 12 meridians, 6 yin and 6
yang meridians. The ear is a self contained microsystem that affects the
whole body.
Acupuncture points are anatomically defined in the areas of the skin.
They are set at fixed specific locations in body acupuncture and can
always be detected. In ear acupuncture , the auricular point can be
detected only when there is a problem without he corresponding part of
the body in which the ear point represents. The deqi that accompanies
stimulation of the body acupuncture point is not observed in stimulation
the ear acupuncture point.
In both body and ear acupuncture, the points are localized regions of
lowered skin resistance or higher skin conductivity. When there is
pathology in an organ represented in the meridian point or the auricular
point the epidermal skin conductance of the acupuncture point is high.
Ear acupuncture points are ipsiladeral or same side as the pain or
pathology. This representation on the ear is due to two contralateral
projections from the ear to the opposite side of the brain and from the
opposite side of the brain back to the opposite side of the body. Using
traditional Chinese medicine theory, ear points are ipsilateral because
Qi flows up the ipsilateral meridian.
Ear acupuncture provides a more scientifically verified means of
identifying areas of pain or pathology in the body than traditionally
Chinese medicine approaches such as tongue or pulse diagnosis. In
auricular diagnosis one can identify specific problems in the body by
detecting areas of the ear in which there is discolored, flaky, tender,
or have high skin conductivity. This increased conductance is measured
by a probe and is repeatable and verifiable. The subtle changes in
auricular diagnosis may identify conditions in which the patient and the
physician may only be marginally aware of.
Both ear acupuncture (auriculotherapy) and body acupuncture can be
chemically utilized to relieve pain pathology. They both can be used
together or applied separately. Healing not just pain relief. Both body
acupuncture and ear points do not simply reduce the experience of pain
but also facilitate natural healing processes within the body. Auricular
therapy facilitates the natural self regulating homeostatic mechanisms
of the body by diminishing over active body functions and increasing
underactive physiological processes. Both body acupuncture and auricular
therapy can have deep physiological and psychological affects.
Direct evidence of endorphinogenic response to auricular therapy has
been provided by Abbot et al in 1980, they observed a significant
increase in endorphins after acupuncture stimulation was combined with
nitric oxide inhalation. Whereas the controlled subjects given nitric
oxide without acupuncture showed no elevation of the endorphins.
The primary side-effects of ear acupuncture (auriculotherapy) is that
the ear itself can become tender and inflamed. Auricular therapy and
acupuncture generally is not recommended for patient with pace-makers
and during pregnancy. While auriculotherapy does not require the use of
needles, ear points may be sensitive to any applied simulation through
auriculotherapy treatment. Infection is almost never heard of in
auricular therapy and acupuncture and if a patient is afraid of needles,
auricular electrical stimulation is the preferred treatment.
<h2>Embryological Basis</h2>
Dr. Paul Nogier noted that the ear was composed of tissue from each of
the three primary types of tissue in the developing embryo. His theory
was that each type of embryological tissue on the ear accounts for a
different somatotopic functions related to the auricle. Ectodermal
tissue, superficial tissue is found in the ear lobe in the helix teal.
The ectoderm become the skin, hair, sweat gland, cornea and lens of the
eye. Nose, epithelium, teeth, nerves, spinal cord, subcortex of brain,
cerebrum and pituitary gland, pineal gland and adrenal medulla.
The mesodermal tissue , the middle tissue is found in the anithelix
scaphoid fossa, the triangular fossa. The mesoderm becomes the
musculoskeletal system of muscles, joints, bones, cardiac muscles,
smooth muscles, connective tissue, blood cells from the bone marrow,
lymphatic tissues, genial organs, kidney, and the adrenal cortex.
The third type is the endodermal tissue, the deep tissue which is found
in the concha. The endoderm becomes the gastrointestinal digestive
tract, the lungs, tonsil and the respiratory system. The internal organs
like the liver, pancreas, bladder, urethra.
<h2>Hormonal Basis</h2>
The neurotein system: natural pain relievers, endorphins, enkephalins,
are indigenous morphine chemicals which are found within the pituitary
and other parts of the central nervous system and encephalon is
subfactor of endorphin. These neurotransmitters occur in the brain at
the same site where opiate receptors are found. Both body and ear
acupuncture have been found to raise the blood serum and cerebral spinal
fluid levels of endorphins and enkephalins. Naloxone is a opiate
antagonist which blocks morphine endorphin.
Research report from UCLA by Simons &amp; Oleson 1993, Mayer et al 1977,
were the first investigators to provide scientific evidence that there
was neurophysiological and neurochemical basis for acupuncture and
auriculotherapy in human subjects. They demonstrated that the
acupuncture stimulation of the body through Large Intestine 4 points,
led to a significant increase in pain threshold. They were then able to
yield statistically significant reversal of elevated pain threshold by
intravenous administration of 0.8 mg of an opiate naloxone. The
acupuncture had raised dental pain threshold by over 27 %. There was no
treatment control group which showed a 6.9% in dental pain threshold. A
total of 20 of 35 acupuncture subjects showed increased pain threshold
greater than 20% contrasted with only 5 out of 40 subjects in the
controlled condition exhibiting a 20% elevation of pain threshold.
Naloxone given to acupuncture subjects reduced the pain threshold to the
same level as the control group.
Direct evidence of endorphinogenic response to auricular therapy has
been provided by Abbot et al in 1980, they observed a significant
increase in endorphins after acupuncture stimulation was combined with
nitric oxide inhalation. Whereas the controlled subjects given nitric
oxide without acupuncture showed no elevation of the endorphins.
TENS ( transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) suppresses pain by
activating A-Fibers which inhibit the input from C fibers. Acupuncture
stimulation tends to activate C fibers which activates super spinal
gating systems which then send descending input to the spinal inhibitory
neurons which suppresses the pain message. Secondary, stimulation
produced analgesia is a pain inhibitory system that has been
demonstrated by brain stimulation by the periactiductal central gray
matter which reduces the responses to pain in rats, cats, monkeys, and
humans. This peripheral stimulation and ear acupuncture points may
peripherally activate the pain inhibitory system.
export default ArticleEarAcupuncture;