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Noah Swerhun 2023-08-25 21:18:11 -05:00
parent 557902cc32
commit c74133994d
17 changed files with 1251 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { ArrowLongLeftIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/solid";
import Link from "next/link";
import { ReactNode } from "react";
interface Props {
children: ReactNode;
const ArticlesLayout = ({ children }: Props) => {
return (
<div className="md:w-1/2 mx-auto p-10 mt-16">
<Link href="/articles" className="font-bold block mb-5">
<ArrowLongLeftIcon className="w-[24px] inline "></ArrowLongLeftIcon>{" "}
Back to Articles
<Link href="/articles" className="font-bold block mt-5">
<ArrowLongLeftIcon className="w-[24px] inline "></ArrowLongLeftIcon>{" "}
Back to Articles
export default ArticlesLayout;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticlePediatricDigestiveProblems = () => {
return (
title="Digestive Problems"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
Newborn babies are frequent sufferers of gastrointestinal complaints.
That shouldnt come as a surprise when one considers that the digestive
system had no job to do in those first nine months in utero but is asked
to be responsible for the entire sustenance of the body after birth.
Digestive system troubles can range from spitting up to projectile
vomiting and reflux, from mild difficulty burping to the hours of daily
crying of a colicky baby. Although these problems do lessen as the
digestive system matures, waiting for relief can be very hard on infants
and parents.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment, which improves body function through
correcting body structure, can have a significant role in assisting in
the resolution of the digestive system distress of infancy. The troubles
often have their origin when a difficult birth experience irritates the
vagus nerve which controls much of the digestive system. When the bony
misalignment and tissue tensions affecting the nerve are removed, the
baby can handle its feedings and resultant gas better. Osteopathic
treatment can also address connective tissue tension present around the
abdominal organs, especially in the umbilical area and near where the
esophagus meets the stomach. In infants who suffer from spitting up,
vomiting or reflux, the normal clockwise motion of the abdominal fascia
may be impaired and need corrective treatment.
Occasionally the digestive distress of breast-fed babies can be traced
to foods in the mothers diet. When these offending foods are removed
from her diet, the improvements in the baby can be dramatic. In the same
way, babies who are bottle-fed may find relief in switching to a
different formula.
<h2>Healthy Choices</h2>
Opinions vary on the topic of introduction of solid foods into a babys
diet. Most babies are not ready before six months and demonstrate their
readiness by the presence of teeth and a keen interest in their parents
eating. Many physicians agree that wheat, dairy, eggs, citrus and honey
should be avoided until after 12 months of age and introduced cautiously
thereafter. Introducing only one new food at a time allows one to watch
for allergic responses, often seen in the form of digestive upset or
skin rashes, especially around the mouth and anus.
It can take up to five days of eating a new food before a negative
reaction is seen. A food which results in an allergic type response
should be removed from the diet and not tried again for at least several
months. Because continued exposure to an allergic food fosters a more
severe level of allergy, exercising this level of care when solid foods
are introduced reaps benefits in a wider choice of foods later in life.
You are what you eat is a caution that is perhaps more relevant now
than ever before. Depletion of topsoil has resulted in vegetables,
fruits and grains lacking essential nutrients. The economic demands on
farmers have resulted in the widespread use of pesticides, artificial
ripening agents and fertilizers containing waste products which should
not be recycled into our soils.
Dairy products and meat are contaminated by animal feed containing
antibiotics, hormones and animal by-products. Organically grown and
naturally processed food is free of potentially health damaging
additives. Making healthy dietary choices during infancy and childhood,
when all parts of the body are developing, is a crucial step in
fostering healthy growth of every vital organ, bone, muscle and brain
cell of the body.
A wide spectrum of health care practitioners agree that infancy is not a
time to receive a diet high in sugar, salt and fat content found in most
processed foods. Offering ourselves and our children healthy diets is a
big challenge but one worth taking.
<h2>Childhood Complaints</h2>
Vague, non-specific digestive complaints are commonly seen in childhood.
Tummy aches and nausea are the cause of days home from school for many
children and rarely does a standard medical work-up determine the cause.
Osteopathic evaluation often reveals that the fascia (connective tissue
layer) which covers the abdominal organs is pulled in a counterclockwise
direction. For healthy digestion this motion should move clockwise,
compatible with the peristaltic motion of the intestines as it moves
food from mouth to rectum. When the facial motion has reversed,
complaints such as constipation, nausea and stomach aches are common.
Osteopathic treatment assists the body in correcting the motion of this
fascia and restoring normal function.
Both the vagus nerve and nerves originating in the lower portions of the
spine are essential to a healthy digestive system. Children who have
suffered injury, especially to the lower back or sacrum (at the base of
the spine), may be experiencing digestive problems as a result of this
trauma. Injury to the pelvis, either traumatic or surgical, can result
in poor function of the sling of muscles at the lowest part of the
pelvis, called the pelvic diaphragm. This sling of muscles operates like
the thoracic diaphragm and, when functioning normally, moves up and down
with respiration. This diaphragm-like motion is essential to the health
of the digestive system, and it is vital to restore it in children
suffering from constipation, recovering from pelvic injury or after
surgery in this area. A hard fall to the lower back, sacrum or groin can
be enough to impact gastrointestinal health.
<h2>Urinary Problems</h2>
Restoration of motion in the pelvic diaphragm is also an essential part
of the osteopathic management of problems such as bladder infections and
menstrual cramps. The problem of nighttime bed wetting is a complex one
which may or may not respond to osteopathic manipulative treatment. In
some children, treatment can help to normalize the neural control
relevant to bladder emptying and may be very helpful in this clinical
Some children are genetically predisposed to the problem and dont grow
out of it until the age at which the problem resolved for their
affected parent.
The less common problem of bladder reflux may respond to osteopathic
treatment of the facial strains which are present where the urethra
meets the bladder.
export default ArticlePediatricDigestiveProblems;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticlePediatricDownSyndrome = () => {
return (
title="Down Syndrome"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
One might wonder what the value of osteopathic manipulative treatment
could be for a genetic syndrome. Osteopathic medicine is based on the
principle that body structure and function are dynamically interrelated.
When one improves the anatomic interrelationships of structural elements
of the body (bones, muscles, membranes, tissues, fluids), one sees
improvement in the function of the body. This holds true whether the
causes of the structural abnormalities are genetically based or not. It
is clearly evident in looking at the face of a typical child with Down
Syndrome that there is a lot about structure that is less than optimal.
Lets look at what improvements in functions might be seen by improving
the structure.
Down Syndrome, or Trisomy 21, occurs in about one in 800 births. It is
almost always the result of a third copy (trisomy) of some or all of the
genetic material on chromosome 21. Intellectual developmental disorder
and low muscle tone are probably the two most common hallmarks of Down
syndrome. There is also a much higher than normal incidence of heart and
gastrointestinal tract defects which often require surgical correction.
Many external body features are characteristic of the syndrome. These
include among others, an upward slant to the eyes; skin folds at the
inner edges of the eyes; a flat, wide bridge of the nose; small, low-set
ears; a shortened front to back dimension of the skull; a recessed
midportion of the face and a protruding and often furrowed tongue. Some
of these features contribute to the health complications seen in Trisomy
21, and some may plat a role in the common neurodevelopmental problems.
Changes in most features are possible through osteopathic manipulative
treatment, and the improvements made structurally are likely to result
in better functioning.
It is commonly accepted that most children with Down Syndrome have more
severe respiratory infections, especially of the ears and sinuses. There
are two reasons for this. One is the genetics of Down Syndrome causes
abnormalities in the immune system which make it more difficult to
resist an illness once exposed and harder to heal from it once ill. The
second reason lies in the structure of the facial features which makes
drainage of these areas more difficult.
The midportion of the face (the area between the eyes and mouth) is
small and typically set further back in the child with Down Syndrome.
This means that the sinus cavities are smaller than normal and sometimes
absent entirely. The wide, flat bridge of the nose blocks the openings
through which the sinuses drain. The problem is compounded by the
low-set position of the ears and the smaller than normal diameter of the
eustachian tube which drains the middle ear to the back of the throat.
When fluids fill the ears and sinusspaces that should be occupied by
air-infections are likely to occur.
Drainage is further compromised by the differential growth of the upper
and lower jaw bones. The upper (maxilla), being part of the midface, is
small in comparison to the lower (mandible). This also promotes the
mouth breathing, protruding tongue and difficulty enunciating language
often see in trisomic children.
Through a very gentle touch, an osteopathic physician trained in the
cranial concept, can help to normalize the relationships of the bones
and membranes of the of the facial area. By assisting the midface
structures to come forward, one can see a cosmetic change in eye shape,
cheekbones, tongue/mouth relationship and bridge of nose. Usually the
frequency of upper respiratory infections are reduced as well.
<h2>Growth Concerns</h2>
Almost all children with Down Syndrome show delays in gross motor, fine
motor developmental and language development. These skills often lag
four months behind at one year of age and eight to ten months behind at
two years of age. Language is frequently not gained until the fourth to
sixth year. Though these delays are assumed to be genetically
predetermined, lets look at the role that body structure might play.
Osteopathic theory asserts that neural pathways in the brain are
designed to lay themselves down in precise geometric relationships. When
the cranium (skull) is distorted in its shape, it is not possible for
these pathways to develop normally.
There are several factors contributing to the distorted cranial shape.
The sutures, where one bone meets another, are often positioned
abnormally in Down Syndrome. The membranes that encase the central
nervous system and lie between the brain and the cranium have a powerful
effect on the growth of the developing skull. These dural membranes
usually demonstrate very poor mobility in the trisomic child. The front
to back dimension of the cranium is typically shortened in Down Syndrome
and is one more factor dictating distorted geometry for the developing
neural pathways.
Osteopathic treatment can effect significant changes in the shape of the
cranium through addressing the sutures and the tensions in the dural
membranes. The distortion of the cranial mold appears to contribute
significantly to the difficulty in performing coordinated motor tasks
such as grasping and crawling. Most agree that mastery of these tasks is
a necessary foundation for later learning. Osteopathic treatment,
therefore, is an important part of the health plan for a child with Down
export default ArticlePediatricDownSyndrome;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticlePediatricOrthopedicProblems = () => {
return (
title="Orthopedic Problems"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
The vast majority of orthopedic problems in childhood are seen in the
lower extremities: the feet, legs, knees and hips. When one considers
the vast changes that a small body must make as it grows from its
cramped in utero position through crawling to walking, it is not
surprising to find problems in the lower extremities.
The orthopedic condition routinely evaluated for at birth is congenital
hip, where the head of the femur (upper leg bone) cannot seat itself in
the too shallow depression present in the ilium (hip bone). Though it
must be treated with bracing, osteopathic treatment helps to normalize
the joint functions which were inevitably disturbed by the bracing.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment, which looks to improve body function
through addressing body structure, assists in the resolution of many
common orthopedic conditions of childhood.
Tibial torsion, the outward bowing of the lower leg, is caused b the
cramped folding of the babys legs in utero, and often resolves
spontaneously in the first year of life. However, if the torsion is
accompanied by a distortion between the knee cap and the tibial bone, or
between the tibia and the nearby fibula, these should be treated
osteopathically, preferable before the baby begins to walk. When babies
first stand, they often place their feet far apart for stability,
thereby standing on the inside edges of their feet. If the stance
remains wide beyond the first few months of walking, osteopathic
treatment is recommended.
Falling hard on ones bottom is another normal component of learning to
stand but is hard on the relationship between the sacrum (at the base of
the spine) and the vertabrae of the lower back. This common insult, left
untreated, is probably one of the underlying causes of low back pain
suffered by adults.
Between 10 and 14 months of age, most children begin to walk. As more
balance is gained, the distance between the feet should become the same
as the distance between the hips, and the feet should point straight
forward when the child stands, walks or runs.
If this normalization of postural stance is not gained spontaneously,
osteopathic evaluation and treatment should be pursued. The causes may
be found in disturbed relationships of the bones of the pelvis or legs
or in abnormal tensions of the connective tissues or muscles. Correcting
these osteopathically early in life will foster healthy structural
growth throughout childhood and adolescence. Although standard medical
counsel advises waiting, with an expectation that gait abnormalities
will resolve themselves, we all have seen school children and adults
plagued with gait problems and the frequently associated back pain.
<h2>Older Children</h2>
Sports injuries are the cause of the vast majority of structural
problems in this age group. Though they may not result in skeletal
deformity (the common definition of an orthopedic problem), they are
worthy of osteopathic consideration.
Children are physically active by nature and should be both encouraged
and enabled to engage in the physical activities that interest them.
However, they as well as their parents must be prepared to accept the
periodic injuries that accompany physical activity.
Knee injuries are common in basketball due to the necessity of rotating
ones body over a foot planted on the court. Running sports, such as
track and soccer, are ideally done only by children whose hip, knee and
ankle line up vertically. Poor alignment fosters more frequent and more
severe injuries. All activities played with balls involve the risk of
impact from the ball, the most serious location being the head. The
intentional headers of soccer are less damaging to the normal motion
mechanics of skull joints than are accidental impacts. Football,
gymnastics, and snow or ice-based sports are fraught with potential
injury. Osteopathic treatment to release the sprains, strains and bony
misalignments as they occur is good insurance toward a healthy and
pain-free adulthood.
Some skeletal problems of childhood affecting the hips and/or knees,
such as slipped epiphysis, Perthes disease, Osgood Schlatter disease
and synovitis, require cessation of sports activities for variable
periods of time. Though they each have their appropriate orthopedic
treatment, the recovery of full and pain-free joint function can be
aided by osteopathic treatment, both during and after the disease
Scoliostic curves of the spine are most commonly, though not
exclusively, seen in girls between the ages of 10 and 14. The curves
vary widely in their severity. The more severe fixed curves require
bracing or surgical treatment. In scoliosis, the vertebrae are both
sidebent and rotated. Ribs are displaced, and muscle groups are
stretched or shortened. There is often a hip height discrepancy.
Although discomfort is rare during adolescence, both pain and disability
are likely to be experienced later in life if left untreated.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment can be beneficial for both the more
mild functional curves and for curves requiring more invasive measures.
Osteopathic treatment can improve both spinal mobility and degree of
export default ArticlePediatricOrthopedicProblems;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticlePediatricRespiratoryHealth = () => {
return (
title="Respiratory Health"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
Viruses capable of causing a cold are present in our everyday
environments. The cold that may result from contact with a virus
presents an opportunity for the developing immune system of an infant or
young child to gain strength. In this way, the common cold should not be
viewed as an enemy, but rather as a training ground for the maturation
of our immune system.
It is the complications of the common cold-pneumonia-which are the
enemy. And, it is in the prevention of these complications where
osteopathic manipulative treatment can be of profound benefit.
Osteopathic manipulation strives to improve body function through
correcting body structure. In relation to respiratory health, the proper
function of several body systems is vital.
The common cold taxes the lymphatic drainage in the neck and thorax
causing enlargement of the lymph glands and congestion in the muscles.
The lymphatic system can no longer adequately carry away the excess
tissue fluids associated with the infection.
Muscle spasm and asymmetry can also cause displacement of the spinal
segments of the neck or upper back. This further impairs drainage and
causes trouble to the delicate balance of the nerve responsible for the
thickness of respiratory secretions. Osteopathic manipulative treatment
will address these underlying structural disturbances and allow the
lymphatic and circulatory systems to enhance the immune system function
of the body. The cold can therefore resolve without the complications
which make parents dread the onset of this common respiratory illness.
Children who have the benefit of osteopathic treatment suffer fewer
respiratory illnesses and recover from them with less likelihood of
<h2>Allergies &amp; Asthma</h2>
Some children suffer from respiratory allergies and some from asthma,
but for many children these two are an almost inseparable combination.
The respiratory tract is the most frequent site for allergic symptoms in
If a child suffers seasonally from watery nose, itchy eyes and sneezing,
the cause is usually pollens. If symptoms are year round, dust, mold,
spores, animal dander or certain foods are more likely culprits.
Asthma is characterized by swelling and increased secretions of the
bronchial mucous membranes and by spasm of the muscles of the bronchial
tubes. The wheezing and difficulty breathing may be precipitated by
allergens or irritants such as smoke. For some children, a common cold
sets off an asthmatic attack; for others, exercise, an emotional upset
or (due to a complex body reaction) a bad fall on the tailbone. With
such a variety of possible causes, what is the role of osteopathic
While medications available to treat allergies and asthma generally work
by suppressing symptoms, osteopathic manipulation addresses underlying
disturbances in the bodys structural components. Manipulation to ensure
free motion in the rib cage and diaphragm will enhance immune system
function by optimizing lymphatic drainage and circulation. The cleaning
functions of the venous and lymphatic systems are vital to the removal
of the toxic by-products of infection. Improvement in circulation
enhances the ability of the arteries to supply nutrients, antibodies,
white blood cells and oxygen to all tissues.
Osteopathic manipulative procedures can stimulate the body to release
greater quantities of the substances that cause the dilation of the
bronchioles. This reduces the need for medications aimed at producing
the same result. The benefits of osteopathic treatment vary from one
child to another. One might have fewer respiratory infections and
therefore fewer asthmatic attacks, while another might require less
medication or have fewer hospitalizations. Most children experience
improvement in some aspect of their allergies or asthma therapy,
improving the quality of life for both child and family.
<h2>Parents Can Help</h2>
When children are young, parents are responsible for attending to their
health concerns. Many of the factors that promote good general health
are equally important in respiratory health, a nutritious diet, adequate
rest and warmth and seeking medical attention at appropriate times.
Parents can also learn osteopathic techniques to promote better
lymphatic drainage through a respiratory illness.
Good nutrition is vital to good respiratory health. A wide variety of
fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as a good supply of
Vitamins A, B and C, are essential. Adequate clear fluids, in the form
of water, juice or teas will make respiratory secretions thinner and
easier for the body to carry away. Avoid foods to which a given child is
allergic and withdraw dairy products when mucous is present.
When respiratory allergies or asthma are a problem, parents should do
whatever is possible to minimize exposure to the offending agents. You
may need to find new homes for pets, vacuum with a sealed system, or
wrap mattresses for dust protection.
The common cold and its complications are less frequent problems if care
is taken to avoid chilling. Lower temperatures cause constriction of the
small blood vessels supplying the mucous membranes of the respiratory
tree. This lowers resistance to infection and harms the ability of the
inflamed membrane to heal itself. Chilling also causes neck muscles to
tighten, yielding a disturbance in the nerve supply. The resultant
dryness of the mucous membrane is yet one more factor in lowering
resistance. So keep your children warm both to prevent respiratory
illness and to help them heal from it.
If fever is associated with an upper respiratory infection, it is
usually low grade and more helpful than harmful. The viruses responsible
for cold symptoms are weak organisms which a low grade fever helps to
kill. The healthy cells of our own bodies are much stronger and are not
damaged by a low grade fever. To lower a fever by medication or tepid
bathing results in chilling and weakens body resistance.
It is important to increase fluid intake, either by more frequent
nursing or bottles or cups containing clear liquids. Dehydration can be
a problem if the fever persists and fluid intake is not adequate. High
fevers suggest a more serious illness and should be evaluated by a
qualified medical practitioner.
export default ArticlePediatricRespiratoryHealth;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import Article from "@/components/Article";
const ArticlePediatricTreatmentForNewborns = () => {
return (
title="Treatment for the Newborn"
author="Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA"
For centuries, in many parts of the world, highly trained birth
attendants have seen it as part of their job to correct the stresses
that birth has placed in the body of the newborn. This constitutes an
acknowledgment that birth is a difficult process and that measures can
be taken after birth to assist the baby in its recovery.
In industrialized nations of Northern Europe and North America, birth
has been seen as an event that either leaves no negative impact upon the
baby or one whose complications, whatever they may be, must be accepted
and endured by both child and family.
Since the late 1800s, when osteopathy became a medical discipline in the
United States, osteopathic physicians have assisted babies in their
recovery from the birth experience, thereby helping to promote the best
possible health and development of the child.
Osteopathy is a medical discipline focusing on re-establishing and
maintaining the natural relationships of bones, muscles, membranes,
tissues and fluids within the body. Osteopathic manipulative treatment
promotes the bodys ability to function, develop and heal itself by
addressing problems found in these structural components.
Many older children experiencing learning or behavioral difficulties
have a history of a traumatic birth or early childhood head blows which
went uncorrected. Children who suffer from recurrent ear or sinus
infections frequently have a similar medical history. Although it is
most useful to address the structural problems originating in the birth
process shortly after birth, much improvement in the childs condition
can be seen if treatment is initiated later.
<h2>The Birth Process</h2>
Birth often results in harmful structural changes. The likelihood of
trouble increases when the labor and delivery is prolonged or augmented
by pitocin or when forceps or vacuum extractions are necessary. In
vaginal delivery, the infant skull is asked to make its passage through
too small a space. In response, the bones of the skull overlap to
decrease the size of the head, and often do not return to their natural
positions after delivery. In order to travel through the birth canal,
the infants head must bend markedly backwards. This puts pressure on
two nerves (vagal and hypoglossal) which can result in the colic and
sucking disturbances often seen in newborns.
Although C-section babies are spared some of the complications of
vaginal deliveries, they are also robbed of some of the benefits. The
transit down the birth canal applies a variety of pressures on the
infants head which help to free it from the shape it was molded to in
utero. The transit through the birth canal also compresses and
re-expands the chest wall preparing the baby to breathe and to clear
fluid from the lungs.
Once the baby is born, osteopathic physicians hope to hear a fairly
immediate and powerful birth cry. Fetal life would be fraught with low
oxygen levels if it were not for the mothers higher blood hemoglobin
levels and the babys faster heart rate. The transition from life
outside is a critical time in which the baby loses its maternal support
and must provide for its own oxygen.
A strong birth cry probably serves two crucial functions. It opens the
alveolar air sacs throughout the lungs, thereby ensuring adequate levels
of oxygen so essential to brain development. It may also increase the
internal pressure within the skull helping to re-expand those bones and
membranes which were compressed in the birth process.
<h2>Seeking Treatment</h2>
The infant will often communicate the presence of a problem by being
irritable or difficult to calm. In addition, excessive wakefulness at
night or reluctance to fall asleep, spitting up or vomiting can have
their origins in structural disturbances. A parent or health care
professional may notice visual signs of a structural problem such as
overlapping of joint lines on the infants skull which do not level out
in the first week of life. Visual asymmetries, such as one side of the
forehead further forward than the other, the two ears positioned
differently or the neck held to one side, can and should be corrected.
As the baby gets a little older, a parent may notice developmental
delays. Although there are many reasons that children fall behind a
normal developmental timetable, some can be successfully addressed
through osteopathic treatment.
The brain does rapid and critical development in the first year of life.
The nerve pathways are designed to lay themselves down in precise
geometric relationships. Even slight distortions in the structure of the
skull can impair the development of the nervous system. These can
manifest in developmental delays early in childhood and potentially more
serious learning difficulties later.
Some children suffer from medical conditions for which conventional
medical care has little to offer, conditions such as Down Syndrome or
cerebral palsy. Osteopathic treatment does not alter the underlying
genetic defect or birth injury factors, but it can be very effective in
enhancing the childs functional capabilities as well as improving
general health and quality of life for the child and family.
export default ArticlePediatricTreatmentForNewborns;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,50 @@
import Link from "next/link";
const ArtsForPatients = () => { const ArtsForPatients = () => {
return ( return (
<section className="min-h-screen" id="artsforpatients"> <section className="min-h-screen p-36" id="artsforpatients">
ArtsForPatients <div>
<h1>Osteopathy Basics</h1>
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-digestive-problems" className="block">
Digestive Problems
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-down-syndrome" className="block">
Down Syndrome
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-orthopedic-problems" className="block">
Orthopedic Problems
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-respiratory-health" className="block">
Respiratory Health
Treatment for the Newborn
<h1>Pediatric Osteopathy</h1>
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-digestive-problems" className="block">
Digestive Problems
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-down-syndrome" className="block">
Down Syndrome
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-orthopedic-problems" className="block">
Orthopedic Problems
<Link href="/articles/pediatric-respiratory-health" className="block">
Respiratory Health
Treatment for the Newborn
</section> </section>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -1,7 +1,126 @@
const OsteoBasics = () => { const OsteoBasics = () => {
return ( return (
<section className="min-h-screen" id="osteobasics"> <section className="min-h-screen" id="osteobasics">
OsteoBasics <div>
Osteopathic Medicine finds its roots in the pioneering work of Dr.
Andrew Taylor Still, who challenged the medical practices of his time.
In 1874, Dr. Still developed a groundbreaking philosophy that viewed
the body as an interconnected unit, where all its systems work
harmoniously to maintain health. This idea was revolutionary, as it
diverged from the prevailing notion of treating diseases in isolation.
Dr. Still emphasized the significance of the musculoskeletal system,
recognizing that structural imbalances could lead to dysfunction and
illness. His philosophy laid the groundwork for the modern practice of
Osteopathic Medicine, which continues to evolve and adapt to
contemporary medical knowledge.
Osteopathic Medicine today embraces a holistic approach that
encompasses several fundamental principles:
<strong>The Body as a Unit:</strong> Unlike traditional medicine,
which often focuses on isolated symptoms, Osteopathic Medicine views
the body as a unified entity. Each system influences and interacts
with the others, emphasizing the importance of considering the whole
<strong>Reciprocal Relationship of Structure and Function:</strong>{" "}
Osteopathy recognizes that structural abnormalities can affect
bodily functions, and vice versa. This understanding guides
Osteopathic Physicians in diagnosing and treating not just symptoms,
but underlying causes.
<strong>Self-Regulating Mechanisms:</strong> The body possesses its
own mechanisms for maintaining health and balance. Osteopathic
Physicians trust in the body's innate ability to heal and regulate
itself, and they work to support and enhance these mechanisms.
<strong>Rational Therapy:</strong> Osteopathic Physicians base their
treatments on a profound understanding of anatomy, physiology, and
pathology. This knowledge allows them to provide targeted and
effective care.
Osteopathic Medicine isn't limited to addressing physical ailments. It
also takes into account environmental, emotional, and psychological
factors that contribute to a patient's well-being.
<h2>Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)</h2>
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) stands as a hallmark of
Osteopathic Medicine. Through OMT, Osteopathic Physicians employ their
hands to diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of conditions. This
non-invasive approach involves various manual techniques to manipulate
muscles, joints, and tissues. OMT aims to restore balance, alleviate
pain, and enhance the body's natural healing processes. Scientific
studies have validated the effectiveness of OMT in diverse conditions,
such as musculoskeletal pain, migraines, and even post-surgical
recovery. The use of OMT underscores Osteopathic Physicians'
commitment to providing comprehensive care beyond conventional
<h2>DOs vs MDs</h2>
While both D.O.s and M.D.s are licensed physicians with similar
educational foundations, there are notable distinctions:
<strong>Education:</strong> Osteopathic Medical education places a
special emphasis on holistic care and the musculoskeletal system.
This knowledge equips D.O.s with a unique perspective on the
interplay between body systems.
<strong>Primary Care Focus:</strong> A substantial percentage of
D.O.s specialize in primary care fields such as family medicine,
pediatrics, and internal medicine. This aligns with Osteopathic
Medicine's emphasis on preventive health and wellness.
<strong>Osteopathic Manipulation:</strong> One of the most
significant differences is the incorporation of OMT into Osteopathic
practice. This hands-on approach allows D.O.s to provide an added
dimension of care, enhancing their ability to diagnose and treat a
wide range of conditions.
Osteopathic Medicine, stemming from the visionary work of Dr. Andrew
Taylor Still, stands as a holistic and patient-centered approach to
healthcare. It acknowledges the body's intricate interconnectedness
and empowers patients to actively participate in their well-being.
Osteopathic Physicians blend cutting-edge medical advancements with
the art of touch, enabling them to diagnose, treat, and prevent
ailments with precision and compassion. As the medical landscape
continues to evolve, Osteopathic Medicine remains steadfast in its
commitment to providing comprehensive care that addresses not only
symptoms but the underlying factors contributing to health and
</section> </section>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -1,7 +1,64 @@
const PediatricCare = () => { const PediatricCare = () => {
return ( return (
<section className="min-h-screen" id="pediatriccare"> <section className="min-h-screen" id="pediatriccare">
PediatricCare <h1>DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS</h1>
Newborns frequently experience gastrointestinal issues, from spitting up
to colicky crying. Osteopathic manipulative treatment can aid in
resolving these problems by addressing structural issues caused by
difficult births that irritate the vagus nerve, affecting the digestive
system. By correcting misalignments and tissue tensions around abdominal
organs, such as the umbilical area and esophagus-stomach junction,
infants can handle feeding and gas more effectively. Additionally,
dietary adjustments for breastfed or formula-fed infants might alleviate
digestive distress. Healthy dietary choices during infancy are crucial
for proper organ and brain development.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can benefit individuals with
Down syndrome by improving body structure and function interrelation.
Down syndrome, caused by a third copy of chromosome 21, involves
developmental and muscle tone challenges. OMT can address structural
anomalies contributing to characteristic facial features and health
complications. OMT can improve sinus and respiratory issues, growth
delays, and motor skill development by addressing cranial shape, neural
pathways, and skeletal abnormalities.
Childhood orthopedic problems are often seen in the lower extremities
like feet, legs, knees, and hips. Birth-related stress or prolonged
growth can lead to various issues. Osteopathic manipulative treatment
(OMT) can help correct structural problems caused by birth complications
or other factors. OMT can address conditions like congenital hip issues,
tibial torsion, gait abnormalities, and sports injuries, promoting
healthy structural growth and preventing long-term problems.
The common cold is an opportunity for a child's immune system to
develop, but complications like pneumonia can be problematic.
Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can prevent complications by
addressing lymphatic drainage, muscle tension, and structural issues
related to respiratory health. OMT can also aid in respiratory allergies
and asthma by optimizing rib cage and diaphragm function, reducing the
need for medication and improving immune responses.
Osteopathic treatment for newborns aims to correct structural stresses
caused by the birth process. Birth complications can lead to various
issues, and osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) helps babies
recover and develop optimally. OMT addresses skull and nerve issues
caused by birth, helping to resolve irritability, developmental delays,
and other problems. OMT can benefit children with Down syndrome, aiding
respiratory health, growth concerns, and motor development.
</section> </section>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
import AcademicWork from "./views/AcademicWork";
import CertsAndFellows from "./views/CertsAndFellows";
import EduAndProExp from "./views/EduAndProExp";
import Introduction from "./views/Introduction"; import Introduction from "./views/Introduction";
const Home = () => { const Home = () => {
return ( return (
<main> <main>
<Introduction></Introduction> <Introduction></Introduction>
</main> </main>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -1,7 +1,122 @@
const AcademicWork = () => { const AcademicWork = () => {
return ( return (
<section className="min-h-screen" id="academicwork"> <section className="min-h-screen" id="academicwork">
AcademicWork <div className="">
<div>Academic Appointments</div>
<div>World Health Organization</div>
Temporary Consultant in Integrative Medicine for Workshop on Quality
of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Services. Expert on
Practice in southeast Asia region, incl. Macao and China.
Midwestern University, Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
<div>Tuoro University College of Osteopathic Medicine</div>
<div>Adjunct Associate Professor</div>
<div>A.T. Still University</div>
<div>Adjunct Associate Professor</div>
<div>Western University College Osteopathic Medicine</div>
Adjunct Associate Professor of Osteopathic Manipulative Acupuncture
<div>The Osteopathic Cranial Academy</div>
<div>33rd President</div>
<div>American Academy of Osteopathy</div>
<div>63rd President</div>
<div className="">
2nd Ed. Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) Principles and
<div>Richard A. Feely, DO</div>
<div>158 pgs.</div>
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) Principles and Practice
<div>Richard A. Feely, DO</div>
<div>139 pgs.</div>
<div>Clinical Cranial Osteopathy: Selected Readings</div>
<div>Richard A. Feely, DO</div>
<div>The Cranial Academy</div>
<div>268 pgs.</div>
<div className="">
Neuro-Ocular Release: A New Osteopathic Technique For Resolving
Somatic Dysfunction
<div>Richard Feely and Jillian Smith</div>
<div>AAO Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2</div>
Progressive Infantile Scoliosis Managed with Osteopathic
Manipulative Treatment
<div>Richard Feely and Holly Kapraun</div>
The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 117. 595.
<div>Hospital Guidelines DRG/OMT Master Matrix</div>
<div>Richard A. Feely, DO</div>
<div>Rhema Medical Publishers, JAOA</div>
An Outline of Osteopathic Manipulative Procedures in the Cranial
<div>Richard A. Feely, DO</div>
<div>Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine</div>
</section> </section>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -1,7 +1,101 @@
const CertsAndFellows = () => { const CertsAndFellows = () => {
return ( return (
<section className="min-h-screen" id="certsandfellows"> <section className="min-h-screen" id="certsandfellows">
CertsAndFellows <div className="">
<div>Board Certifications</div>
<div>2001, 2011</div>
<div>American Board of Medical Acupuncture</div>
<div>2000, 2010</div>
<div>American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (CIME)</div>
<div>'95, '02, '07, '12, '16, '20</div>
American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review
<div>American Board of Forensic Examiners</div>
American Osteopathic Board of Special Proficiency in Manipulative
<div>American Board of Disability Evaluating Physicians</div>
<div>American Board of Osteopathic Family Practice</div>
<div className="">
American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review
<div>American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (FAAMA)</div>
<div>Cranial Academy</div>
<div>American Academy of Osteopathy</div>
<div>International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators</div>
<div className="">
<div>Andrew Taylor Still Medallion of Honor</div>
Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Academy of Osteopathy.
<div>Top Performer</div>
<div>DO-Touch.NET, Physician Practice Based Research Network.</div>
<div>Sutherland Memorial Lecturer</div>
<div>Osteopathic Cranial Academy</div>
National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons
</section> </section>
); );
}; };

View file

@ -32,23 +32,48 @@ const EduAndProExp = () => {
Chicago and Olympia Fields, IL Chicago and Olympia Fields, IL
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div>OMM, LLC</div>
Created <a href="https://www.ommtests.com">ommtests.com</a>, the
most complete web-based OMM/OMT test prep program.
<div> <div>
<div>TCMtests, LLC</div> <div>TCMtests, LLC</div>
<div>2003-Present</div> <div>2003-Present</div>
<div>Founder and President</div> <div>Founder and President</div>
<div> <div>
The leading online board certification test prep site for Created <a href="https://www.tcmtests.com">tcmtests.com</a>, the
Acupuncturist and Oriental Medical Doctors leading online board certification test prep site for Acupuncturist
and Oriental Medical Doctors
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div> <div>
<div>Tivity Health</div>
<div>MD/DO Peer Reviewer</div>
Peer Reviewer in Utilization Review Management at a large provider
of health improvement at fitness solutions, based in Franlin, TN
<div>Womack Investment Advisers</div>
<div>Registered Investment Adviser</div>
Investment adviser at a prominent finacial planning and wealth
management firm in Edmond, Oklahoma.
<div>American WholeHealth</div>
<div>National Director of Quality Management</div>
<div></div> <div></div>
<div>Founder and President</div>
The leading online board certification test prep site for
Acupuncturist and Oriental Medical Doctors
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</section> </section>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { ReactNode } from "react";
interface Props {
title: string;
author: string;
children: ReactNode;
const Article = ({ title, author, children }: Props) => {
return (
<h1 className="text-4xl font-bold font-cormorant m-5">{title}</h1>
<h6 className="text-lg italic m-5">{author}</h6>
export default Article;

View file

@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
import Link from "next/link"; import Link from "next/link";
import { ReactNode } from "react"; import { ReactNode } from "react";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
interface Props { interface Props {
page: string; page: string;
currentPage: string;
setCurrentPage: (page: string) => void;
currentPageClasses: string; currentPageClasses: string;
children: ReactNode; children: ReactNode;
} }
const NavLink = ({ const NavLink = ({ page, currentPageClasses, children }: Props) => {
}: Props) => {
const defaultClasses = const defaultClasses =
"font-bold drop-shadow hover:text-primary-100 transition-all duration-500 "; "font-bold drop-shadow hover:text-primary-100 transition-all duration-500 ";
const currentPage = "/" + usePathname().split("/")[1];
return ( return (
<Link <Link
className={ className={
@ -27,7 +22,6 @@ const NavLink = ({
: defaultClasses : defaultClasses
} }
href={page} href={page}
onClick={() => setCurrentPage(page)}
> >
{children} {children}
</Link> </Link>

View file

@ -2,56 +2,25 @@ import { useState } from "react";
import NavLink from "./NavLink"; import NavLink from "./NavLink";
interface Props { interface Props {
currentPage: string;
setCurrentPage: (page: string) => void;
currentPageClasses: string; currentPageClasses: string;
} }
const NavPages = ({ const NavPages = ({ currentPageClasses }: Props) => {
}: Props) => {
return ( return (
<> <>
<NavLink <NavLink page="/" currentPageClasses={currentPageClasses}>
Home Home
</NavLink> </NavLink>
<NavLink <NavLink page="/osteopathy" currentPageClasses={currentPageClasses}>
Osteopathy Osteopathy
</NavLink> </NavLink>
<NavLink <NavLink page="/accupuncture" currentPageClasses={currentPageClasses}>
Accupuncture Accupuncture
</NavLink> </NavLink>
<NavLink <NavLink page="/articles" currentPageClasses={currentPageClasses}>
Articles Articles
</NavLink> </NavLink>
<NavLink <NavLink page="/nor" currentPageClasses={currentPageClasses}>
Neuro Ocular Release Neuro Ocular Release
</NavLink> </NavLink>
</> </>

View file

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ import NavPages from "./NavPages";
import logo from "@/public/logo.png"; import logo from "@/public/logo.png";
import logo_small from "@/public/logo_small.png"; import logo_small from "@/public/logo_small.png";
import Image from "next/image"; import Image from "next/image";
import { usePathname } from "next/navigation";
const Navbar = () => { const Navbar = () => {
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState("/");
const [isTopOfPage, setIsTopOfPage] = useState(true); const [isTopOfPage, setIsTopOfPage] = useState(true);
const [menuActive, setMenuActive] = useState(false); const [menuActive, setMenuActive] = useState(false);
const currentPage = "/" + usePathname().split("/")[1];
useEffect(() => { useEffect(() => {
const handleScroll = () => { const handleScroll = () => {
if (window.scrollY === 0) { if (window.scrollY === 0) {
@ -24,11 +26,13 @@ const Navbar = () => {
return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll); return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}, []); }, []);
const useSmallNav: boolean = isTopOfPage && currentPage === "/";
return ( return (
<nav <nav
className={ className={
"bg-primary-500 text-primary-100 fixed top-0 z-40 w-full " + "bg-primary-500 text-primary-100 fixed top-0 z-40 w-full " +
(isTopOfPage (useSmallNav
? "bg-transparent" ? "bg-transparent"
: "bg-opacity-75 backdrop-blur-sm drop-shadow") : "bg-opacity-75 backdrop-blur-sm drop-shadow")
} }
@ -36,17 +40,17 @@ const Navbar = () => {
<div className="mx-auto w-11/12 lg:w-5/6 flex justify-between items-center"> <div className="mx-auto w-11/12 lg:w-5/6 flex justify-between items-center">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center"> <div className="flex justify-between items-center">
<Image <Image
src={isTopOfPage ? logo_small : logo_small} src={useSmallNav ? logo_small : logo_small}
alt="Feely Center Logo" alt="Feely Center Logo"
className={ className={
"drop-shadow-2xl " + "drop-shadow-2xl " +
(isTopOfPage ? "w-32 md:w-44" : "w-16 md:w-24") (useSmallNav ? "w-32 md:w-44" : "w-16 md:w-24")
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<div <div
className={ className={
"font-cormorant text-2xl p-5 " + "font-cormorant text-2xl p-5 " +
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> >
Richard A. Feely, DO Richard A. Feely, DO
@ -67,11 +71,7 @@ const Navbar = () => {
onClick={() => setMenuActive((e) => !e)} onClick={() => setMenuActive((e) => !e)}
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) : ( ) : (
@ -82,14 +82,10 @@ const Navbar = () => {
<div <div
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"hidden md:flex font-abel tems-center gap-6 text-lg text-tertiary-300 " + "hidden md:flex font-abel tems-center gap-6 text-lg text-tertiary-300 " +
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> >
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