import Article from "@/components/Article"; import { Metadata } from "next"; import ReplaceLink from "@/components/ReplaceLink"; export const metadata: Metadata = { title: "Article - Acupuncture References | Dr. Feely", authors: [{ name: "Richard A. Feely, D.O., FAAO, FCA, FAAMA" }], description: `Aiping, J. and Meng, C. Analysis on the therapeutic effects of acupuncture on abstinence from smoking. J Tradit Chin Med 14(1): 56-63, 1994.`, }; const ArticleAcupunctureReferences = () => { return (

Table of Contents


Aiping, J. and Meng, C. Analysis on the therapeutic effects of acupuncture on abstinence from smoking. J Tradit Chin Med 14(1): 56-63, 1994.

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Brewington, V. Acupuncture as a detoxification treatment: an analysis of controlled research. Unpublished. Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, 1994.

Brumbaugh, A.G. New perspectives in chemical dependency treatments. J Substance Abuse Treat 10: 35-43, 1993.

Brumbaugh, AG. Acupuncture: new perspectives in chemical dependency treatment. J Subst Abuse Treat. 10(1): 35-43, 1993.

Dale, R.A. Addictions and acupuncture: the treatment methods, formulae, effectiveness, and limitations. Amer J Acup 21(3): 247-266, 1993.

Hu. J. What are the commonly used acupuncturing methods for abstinence from smoking? J Tradit Chin Med. 11(2): 146-148, 1991.

Jiang, A. & Cui, M. Analysis of therapeutic effects of acupuncture on abstinence from smoking. J Tradit Chin Med. 14(1): 56-63, 1994.

Konefal, J. The impact of the addition of an acupuncture treatment program to an existing metro-Dade county outpatient substance abuse treatment facility. J Addict Dis. 13(3): 71-99, 1994.

Lao, H-H. A retrospective study on the use of acupuncture for the prevention of alcoholic recividism. Amer J Acup. 23(1): 29-33, 1995.

Lipton, DS., Acupuncture for crack-cocaine detoxification treatment: an analysis of controlled research. J Subst Abuse Treat. 11(3): 205-215, 1994.

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Liu, Z. Recent progress in the studies of weight reduction by acupuncture and moxibustion. J Tradit Chin Med. 15(3): 224-230, 1995.

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Tang, X. 75 cases of simple obesity treated with auricular and body acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med. 13(3): 194-195, 1993.

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Worner, T.M. Acupuncture fails to improve treatment outcome in alcoholics. Drug Alcohol Depend 30: 169-173, 1992.

Xiaofeng, T. 75 cases of simple obesity treated with auricular and body acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med 13(3): 194-195, 1993.

Zhan, J. Observations on the treatment of 393 cases of obesity by semen pressure on auricular points. J Tradit Chin Med. 13(1): 27-30, 1993.

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