import Article from "@/components/Article"; import { Metadata } from "next"; import ReplaceLink from "@/components/ReplaceLink"; import Link from "next/link"; export const metadata: Metadata = { title: "International Acupuncture Bibliography | Dr. Feely", authors: [{ name: "Dr. Andre Lentz" }, { name: "Dr. Terry Oleson" }], }; const ArticleInternationalAcupunctureBibliography = () => { return (
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Table of Contents

1.0 General Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy
2.0 Clinical Research Areas
3.0 Addiction and Substance Abuse
4.0 Pain Disorders
6.0 Psychological Disorders
7.0 Visceral Disorders
8.0 Endocrine Hormones and Immune Disorders
9.0 Behavioral and Physiological Research

1.1 General Description and Clinical Textbooks

Auriculotherapy. [No authors listed] JAMA. 1984 Oct 12; 252(14): 1855-1857

Bagnis JP, Francois IR. L'auriculotherapie a la clinique des Bruyeres.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France

Bahr FR, Reis, Stranbe, Strittmatter, Suwanda. Skriptum fur die{" "} Aufbaustuff aller Akupunktuverfahren (Stufe/Ohr und Korperakupunktur). 1983

Bahr FR. Aurikulopunktur. Satas, Belgique Book German

Bahr FR. Introduction to scientific acupuncture. MI : The German Academy for Auricular Medicine. 1978 book

Bahr FR.{" "} Systematik und praktikum der wissenschaftlichen ohrarakupuktur fair fortgeschrittenne {" "} Edicion dr Bahr 1986

Bahr FR.{" "} Systematik und praktikum der wissenschaftlichen ohrarakupuktur fiir fortgeschrittenne und experten {" "} Edicion dr Bahr 1987.

Bahr FR.{" "} The clinical practice of scientific auricular acupuncture.{" "} Kalamazoo, NU The German Academy for Auricular Medicine. 1977 book

Bahr FR. Wissenschaftliche ohrakupunktur in der praxis. Heidelberg: Verlag fur Medizin Dr. Ewald Fischer. 1977.-105 S.

Bossy J. Los microsystemass de la acupuntura. Masson (1987)

Bossy J. Pratrandal D, Taillandier J.{" "} Les microsystemes de l'acupuncture. Masson (1984)

Bourdiol RJ, Nogier P, Bahr FR.{" "} Localisations auriculaires (planches). Maisonneuve. 1977. planche French

Bourdiol RJ. Auriculosomatology. Maisonneuve Moulins-les Metz, France: 1983 book English

Bourdiol RJ. E1ements d'auriculotherapie. Maisonneuve, Moulins-les Metz, 1980. Book French

Bourdiol RJ. Elements of auriculotherapy. Maisonneuve. France book English

Bourdiol RJ. Reflexotherapie somatique. Maisonneuve, 1983, Book French

Bricot B. Enseignement au niveau du C.I.E.S. (troubles de la statique). Points de neutralisation des troubles de la statique. C.I.E.S

Bricot B. L'auriculotherapie. (site internet du Glem){" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Buchholz W. Praxis der Franzosischen ohrakupunktur. D. Munks Verlag fur Medizin, Krefeld, 1979 Buttigieg Ch. Soignez vous par l'oreille M _ 1984

Chan P. Ear acupressure. Monterey Park -. Chan's Corporation. 1981 Book

Chen K. Handbook to Chinese auricular therapy, 1st ed. Beijing Foreign Languages Press 1991 238 p Book

Debef J. Where do you belong auriculotherapy ?{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM.

Farah M. Soins traditionnels par le pavilion de l'oreille en Tunisie . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France

Flament C. Auriculo-medecine et acupuncture.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 14 Jan 1979 Journal Article French France

Flament C. De quelques cas d'echecs en acupuncture. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 30 Jan 1983 Jounal Article French France.

Giobglas L. Traite d'acupuncture auriculaire. Maloine 1986. Book

Glosemeyer HA. Die Auriculo Akupuntur. Veriag Muller & Steinicke, Munchen 1981 German

Greenlee, D. The healing ear: intermediate auricular therapy.{" "} Kelseyville, CA: Earthen Vessel. 1995

Helms, J.{" "} Acupuncture energetics: a clinical approach for physicians. Berkeley, CA: Medical Acupuncture Published 1995

Huang H. Ear acupuncture. Emmaus,.Pennsylvania -. Rodale Press 1974 Book

Inconnu Atlas of standard auricular points. Satas, Belgique. Carte/Poster Beijing.

Inconnu Chart of Chinese auricular points. Satas, Belgique. Beijing.

Inconnu Chinese auricular points chart. Satas, Belgique. Beijing.

Inconnu Report of the working group on Auricular Acupunture Nomenclature World Health Organization Lyon France 28 30. Nov. 1990

Jarricot H. L'auriculotherapie Revue Meridiens, 1973

Jarricot H. Projections viscero-cutanees. Metameres thoraco-abdominales. Minerva medica 1975. p. 42-58.

Jarricot H.{" "} Somatotopie du pavillon auriculaire congres mondial d'acupuncture. {" "} Paris, 1969.

Joyeux MC. Etude critique de l'auriculotherapie these, Grenoble, 1974.

Julienne B, Mallard A. Relationship of auriculomedicine and acupuncture.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1998)

Julienne B. Quelques remarques d'ordre pratique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 16 Jul 1979 Journal Article French France

Keibel F.{" "} Developpement de l'oreille exteme- manuel d'embryologie humaine.

Ken C, Yongqiang C. Handbook to Chinese auricular therapy. Beijing, China: Foreign Languages Press. 1991

Konig G, Wancura I. Einfuhrung in die Chinesische ohrakupunktur . Heidelberg: Karl F. Haug. 1993

Konig G, Wancura I. Neue Chinesische akupunctur.{" "} Wien-Munchen-Bern: Verlag W. Maudrich. 1975.

Kovacs J. H. Auriculomedicine en consultation. Journaliere Maloine. 1983. Book French

Kropei H. Systematik der ohrakupunktur. Theorie und Praxis. Stuttgart: Hippokrates Veriag. 1952.

Kropei H.{" "} The fundamentals of ear acupuncture. Second revised edition. Heidelberg, Germany Karl F. Haug Verlag GmbH. 1984 book

Kropej Systematik der ohrakupunktur. Haug vedag Satas, Belgique. 1977

Leclerc BA. Auriculomedicine. Auteur / GLEM 1998 Book French

Liao S, Lee M, Ng L.{" "} Principles and practice of contemporary acupuncture. New York: Marcel Dekker. 1994 book

Lu HC. The Chinese verlans of modern acupuncture. Canada 1973.

Marignan M.{" "} Etat actuel des travaux de standardisation de l'auriculotherapy par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante Asclepios. {" "} 1993 Book French

Marignan M. Is contemporary medicine real ? Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 French GLEM

Marignan M. L'auriculotherapie: etat actuel des travaux de standardisation de l'organisation mondiale de la sante report of the working group on auricular acupuncture nomenclature. WHO 1991.{" "} Report of the working group on auricular acupuncture nomenclature. {" "} Lyon, France, 28-3 0 Nov 1990

Marignan M. Les nouveaux objets de la science.{" "} Sciences et Medecines Nouvelles Vol I No 3 Journal Article French Cable Edition

Martinez FV. El desafio de le auriculoterapia el hombre reflejado en su oreja. Mandala Ediciones 1999 book Spanish Madrid

Martinez FV.{" "} El desafio de le auriculoterapia : el hombre reflejado en su oreja. {" "} Mandala Ediciones 1999 book Spanish Madrid

Martinez FV. Introduccion a la auriculoterapia. Alter Edition 1989/1990 4 volumes Proelsa SA p' de Gracia 69 4′ dpcho 9 Barcelonna Alter Mateolnurfia 30.28036 Madrid Spain, Espagne

Nahemkis A, Smith B. Ear acupuncture therapy. Long Beach: Alba Press. 1975 book

Niboyet JE.{" "} Rapport au ministre de la Sante concernant les medicines alternatives. {" "} Pafis, 1984. Book French

Nogier P, Bourdiol R, Corcelle . Auriculotherapy. Chir Dent Fr 1976 Mar 17;46(296):61-3 Medline 78168409 Journal article French

Nogier P, Nogier R. L'homme dans l'oreille: Maisonneuve 1981 Book French

Nogier P, Nogier R. The man in the ear. Moulins-les Metz, France : Maisonneure book

Nogier P. Aspect actuel de la reflexotherapie auriculaire. Clermont Ferrand . 1959. French

Nogier P. Auriculo-medecine et acupuncture (suite).{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 11 Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Auriculo-medecine et acupuncture . Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 10 Jan 1978 Journal Article French

Nogier P. Complement des points reflexes auriculaires.{" "} Maisonneuve , 1989. Book

Nogier P. Flament Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. From auriculotherapy to auriculomedicine. Moulins-les Metz, France: Maisonneuve. 1983 book

Nogier P. Frontieres externes. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 4 Jul 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Introduction pratique a l'auriculotherapie. Maisonneuve, 1977. Book French

Nogier P. La rangon d'une decouverte. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no I 1 Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'auriculo-medecine fait le point.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 15 Apr 1979 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'auriculotheapie journeees d'informations. Turin 1974. Book French

Nogier P. L'auriculotherapie face i la medecine traditionnelle.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 24 Jul 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'auriculotherapie. Lyon Mediterranee Medical, 1971, Book French

Nogier P. Le malade et son medecin. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 9 Oct 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Le pavilion de l'oreille{" "} Journees d'acupuncture de Marseille, 1956. French

Nogier P. Points reflexes auriculaires. Maisonneuve, 1987 1987 Book

Nogier P. Points reflexes du pavilion. La Bourboule, 1957 French

Nogier P. Pourquoi une introduction a l'auriculotherapie?{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P.{" "} Presentation, development perspectives de l'auriculotherapie journee. {" "} Internationale Lyon, 1966. French

Nogier P. Quelques pensees de Rene Leriche.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Reflexe du pavillion de l'oreille colloque. Lyonnais, 1962. Book French

Nogier P. Traite d'Auriculotherapie. Maisonneuve, 1969. Book French

Nogier R. A standard international acupuncture nomenclature . Sciences et Medecines Nouvelles Vol I N'3 GLEM Journal Article French

Oleson T. A standardised nomenclature for comparing Chinese and French auricular acupuncture points.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auricutomedecine {" "} Lyon France: GLEM

Oleson T.{" "} Auriculotherapy manual : Chinese and Western systems of ear acupuncture. {" "} 1996 Health Care Alternatives : Los Angeles, California. 1996 244 pages Los Angeles, California. Book English

Pagani GM.{" "} Le maillon reliant l'auriculo medecine a l'acupuncture traditionnelle . Siret 1978. Book French

Panareo M. Hypoconvergences oculaires et auriculotherapy.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auiculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French GLEM

Pesikov Y, Rybalko S. Auricular acupuncture: clinical atlas.{" "} Donetsk, Ukraine : Three Dragons Press. 1994 Book

Printemps A. Pourquoi se soigner par auriculomedicine. Gueniot Editeur 52201 Langres, FR 1994 Book French

Reis A.{" "} Verdeckte punktlokalisation der Ohrakupunktur der akupunktura auriculotherapeut .1992. 3 31-35

Ricard F.{" "} Auriculotherapie, sympathicotherapie et medecine chinoise 1984

Roccia L. Current status of acupuncture and auriculotherapy.{" "} Minerva Med 1979 Dec 15; 70 ( 56): 3875-7 Medline 80143595 Journal article Italian

Romoli M. Differences in western and eastern ear acupuncture.{" "} World Congress of Scientific Acupuncture, 2, 1986, English

Rosenstiel HP, Amar M. L'auriculotherapie sans aiguilles. Robert Laffont , 1987.

Roths A. Auriculotherapie et stomatologie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 17 Oct 1979 JournalArticle French France

Rouxeville Y. Ma premiere experience d'auriculotherapy.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 28 Jul 1982 Journal Article French France

Sagne R. La pyramide de la maladie. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 35 Apr 1984 Journal Article French France

Santaro M. L'acupuncture par l'oreille. Maloine, Paris 1974 French

Schmid HD.{" "} Ohrakupunktur in der zahn mund undkkieferheilkunde der akupunkturarzt auriculotherapeut {" "} 1993 2 26-41.

Sponzilli O. La reflessologia emozionale nelle pratica medica e psicoterapica : un nuovo approccio all'auriculoterapia{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Italian

Strittmatter B.{" "} Grundsatzliches zur ohrakupunktur bei linkshandern der akupunkturarzt auriculoth erapeut. 1992 N'3 36/44

Van Gelder A. Stategieen 2, Auriculotherapie. Satas, Belgique.

Van Gelder A. Stategieen 3 Auriculomedicine. Satas, Belgique.

Van Gelder A.{" "} Strategiedn in de ooracupunctuur: deel 2 auriculotherapie.{" "} Utrecht : Uitgevefij Lemma. 1992 book

Veith I. The yellow emperor's classic of internal medicine. Berkeley: University of California Pres. 1972 book

Vu Giang M. Auriculotherapy infirm. Fr 1980 Apr;( 214):23-7 Medline 80181367 Journal article French

Wertsch schrecke Ohrakupunktur fur die praxis. Biologische-Medizinische Verlag 1979 German

Wexu M. Auriculotherapie (NL) Satas, Belgique.

Wexu M.{" "} The ear, gateway to balancing the body : a modern guide to ear acupu ncture. Satas, Belgique. New York: ASI Publishers. 1975 193 p New York: ASI Publishers;

Zulueta C. Nuevo punto de Auei.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Merciere 69002 Lyon

1.2 Acupuncture History and Theories

Bourdiol RJ. Les douleurs reflexes de la peau.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Bourdiol RJ. Mes adieux a mon maittre Paul Nogier.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article French France

Bourdiol RJ. Vers une nouvelle conception de la medecine vertebrate{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Cantoni G, Pontigny JA.{" "} Recherche scientifique francaise et acupuncture. Sainte-Ruffine (France): 1989 276 book French Maisonneuve

Chang JJ, Fisch J, Popp FA. Biophotons. Kiewer Academic 1998.

Couleni P. Un cas de blocage du corps calleux.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no I I Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Durinyan A propos de quelques mecanismes physiologiques mis en'eu par la medicine auriculaire Revue d'auriculomedicine t? 15 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

George T, Lewith M.{" "} The history of acupuncture in the west : acupuncture its place in western medical science . Thorsons Publlishing Group

Ho MW, Popp FA, Wamke U.{" "} Biolectric dynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific 1994.

Hsa E.{" "} The history and development of auriculotherapy, acupuncture in medicine. {" "} 1992 Vol X supplement Page 109 Newton House

Kastner D. Auriculomedecine, Yi-King et code genetioue.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: 27,28,29 May 1994 French

Kenyon J. An introduction to quantum biology. Coherence 1998 : The 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy Oisterwijk, The Netherlands September 19-21, 1997 English Netherlands

Kessous Y. De l'auriculotherapy i la guerison energetique.{" "} Medicine et Energie Mortagne , 1992.

Kessous Y. Pour en fir avec la theorie commencer avec la theorie energetique . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France : Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994

Kirsh M. In memorian Dr. Paul Nogier.{" "} International J of Auricular Medicine (IJAM) ISSN 0793-3150 1996

Bourdiol RJ. Les douleurs reflexes de la peau.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Bourdiol RJ. Mes adieux a mon maittre Paul Nogier.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article French France

Bourdiol RJ. Vers une nouvelle conception de la medecine vertebrate{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Cantoni G, Pontigny JA.{" "} Recherche scientifique francaise et acupuncture. Sainte-Ruffine (France): 1989 276 book French Maisonneuve

Chang JJ, Fisch J, Popp FA. Biophotons. Kiewer Academic 1998.

Couleni P. Un cas de blocage du corps calleux.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no I I Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Durinyan A propos de quelques mecanismes physiologiques mis en'eu par la medicine auriculaire Revue d'auriculomedicine t? 15 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

George T, Lewith M.{" "} The history of acupuncture in the west : acupuncture its place in western medical science . Thorsons Publlishing Group

Ho MW, Popp FA, Wamke U.{" "} Biolectric dynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific 1994.

Hsa E.{" "} The history and development of auriculotherapy, acupuncture in medicine. {" "} 1992 Vol X supplement Page 109 Newton House

Kastner D. Auriculomedecine, Yi-King et code genetioue.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: 27,28,29 May 1994 French

Kenyon J. An introduction to quantum biology. Coherence 1998 : The 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy Oisterwijk, The Netherlands September 19-21, 1997 English Netherlands

Kessous Y. De l'auriculotherapy i la guerison energetique.{" "} Medicine et Energie Mortagne , 1992.

Kessous Y. Pour en fir avec la theorie commencer avec la theorie energetique . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France : Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994

Kirsh M. In memorian Dr. Paul Nogier.{" "} International J of Auricular Medicine (IJAM) ISSN 0793-3150 1996

Navach JH. Application of the platyheiminthes experiment model to demonstrate the relay function of acupuncture points in humans.{" "} Nogier Seminar, Montreal, Quebec October, 1984

Navach JH. Biological model of 902 nanometer soft-laser tissue penetration, tissue reaction relative to exposure time, scatter in tissue, and the shielding effect of various materials . International Congress of Acupuncture and Applied Techniques, Sorrento, Italy September 12, 1982

Navach JH. Biological models of electromagnetic transmission of information . International Congress of Acupuncture and Applied Techniques, Sorrento, Italy September 10, 1982.

Niboyet JE. VIII es Journees germano-latines d'acupuncture et d'auriculotherapie, vingt-cinquieme anniversaire de la decouvertes de l'auriculotherapy par le Dr Paul Nogier.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Action indirecte d'une premiere cete.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine. no. 11 Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Cicatrice d'episiotomie. Revue d'audculomedicine. no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Entretiens au cabinet medical.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine. no 2 Jan 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Fac-simile de documents chinois.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 21 Oct 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Fac-simile. ” Bulletin de la Societe d'Acupuncture ” May 1956{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 21 Oct 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Le systeme de vigilance. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 4 Jul 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'energie reticulee. Remarques et experiences.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 19 Apr 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Les pouls chinois. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 35 Apr 1984 Journal Article French

Nogier P. Nos entretiens au cabinet medical : gene provoquee par un pace-maker. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 1 Sept 1975 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Nos entretiens au cabinet medical : troubles de la sensibilite d'un talon. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 1 Sept 1975 JournalArticle French France

Nogier P. Nos entretiens au cabinet medical: arthrose de la hanche.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 1 Sept 1975 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Petite histoire de l'auriculo-medecine.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 2 Janv 1976 Journal Article French

Nogier P. Reponse de Dr Nogier au discours de parrainage du Dr Nogier (I I septembre 198 1). Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article France

Nogier P. Une nouvelle hypothese sur la structure des etres vivants: la notion de reseau. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 15 Apr 1979 JournalArticle France

Patterson MA. Neuroelectric Therapy: The new approach to drug treatment and its scientific basis. Subtle energies and energy medicine: Emerging theory and practice , Proceedings of the 1st Innvention of the Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicin e 1991 June 21-25 pp. 76-79

Piro D. Methodologie holo-energetique. {" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Audculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Reynaud A. La these ou la vie.. dun fetus!{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 10 Jan 1978 Journal Article French France

Rietveld WJ. Biological clocks in health and disease. Coherence{" "} 1998 : the 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy Oisterwijk, September 19-21, English Netherlands

Strittmatter B, Klowersa R.{" "} Hilfslinien in der ohrakupunktur der akupunkturarzt // auriculotherapeut . 1993 no. 4: 9-23

Tiller WA. Augmented electromagnetic waves and qi energy.{" "} First International Concensus Conference on Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy and Auricular Medicine {" "} Las Vegas, Nevada, August, 1999

1.3 Clinical Observations

Braemer C. Mes experiences concernant les axes blancs.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France.

Dahout C. Cinq cas traitds par polartrons unidirectionnels.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Degraix M. Les cas de Marie Degraix. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Degraix M. Les points d'adaptation selon deux observations.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 35 Apr 1994 Journal Article French France

Degraix Roux A. Observations a propos du polartron.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Delfau 2 cas du Docteur Delfau. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Delpuech JP. Cas clinique et filtre tissulaire.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 29 Oct 1982 Journal Article French France

Denjean Massia. Quatre cas. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 28 Jul 1982 Journal Article French France

Dillon M, Lucas C. Auricular stud acupuncture in palliative care patients. Palliat Med 1999 May; 13(3): 253-4 Medline 99403962.

Drahi A. Deux observations cliniques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicin.e no. 9 Oct 1977 Journal Article French France

Finaldi Un cas du Docteur Finaldi. Revue d'auriculomedicin.e{" "} no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Flament C. A propos d'une enquete, deux observations.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedecin.e no. 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France.

Flament C. Une douleur, une cicatrices une aiguille, guerison.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicin.e no. 12 Jul 1978 Journal Article French France

Franchina A. Les cas d'angeto Franchina.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicin.e no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Jarricot H. Observations singulieres en auriculotherapy.{" "} Joumees de Besancon, 1971.

Julienne L. Ose du forum de juin 96 controverse i propos d'un exp.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Lentz A. Advanced techniques. Publication by author 1996 book English France

Lentz A. Auriculomedicine vision sgatiate de renerce en au.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

Lentz A. Espace, temps et forces fondamentales Andre.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

Lentz A. La loi des contrastes et la loi de symetrie.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

Lentz A. La regulation des transferts par l'A.R.T.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1997) 66

Lentz A. L'art et les trois systemes. Annales du G.L.E.M.{" "} (1997) 66

Lentz A. Les cicatrices. Bulletin de liaison de I'AMABF no. 2 Juin 1982

Lentz A. Les deux systemes. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Lentz A. Memoire des recherches de 1979 i 1982 diff-use en 10 ex. i quelques chercheurs en Auriculomedicine

Lentz A. Vision spatiale de l'energie en auriculomedicine.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

Lentz J. Controverse i propos dun exposd du Forum de juin 96.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Limonat de Kerimel Y. Les cinq cas du Docteur Limonat de Kerimel.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicin.e no. 29 Oct 1982 Journal Article French France

Lugeux J. Edeme du membre infefieur et premiere cete.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France.

Marignan M. Les cinq cas de M. Marignan.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 29 Oct l982 Journal Article French France

Marignan M. Observations d'auricuriomedicine.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. 12 examen d'un malade. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 3 Apr 1976 Journal Article France

Nogier P. L'auriculotherapy et la kinesitherapie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 13 Oct l978 Journal article French France

Nogier P. Le blocage de la premiere cote (suite).{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article France

Nogier P. Les eclipses visuelles. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'examen d'un malade. Comment le congevoir en auriculomedicine? Revue d'auriculomedicine no 6 Jan 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'examen d'un malade. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 3 Apr 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Observations cliniques. Revue d'auriculomedicine. no 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article Frencc France

Nogier P. Observations medicales – une fausse precore cete.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedecine. no. 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Observations medicales. Revue d'auriculomedicine. no 3 Apr 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Peut-on parler d'energie mesurable.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 5 Oct 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Quelques observations medicales.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicin.e no 5 Oct 1976 JournalArticle French France

Nogier P. Surprise au cours dun examen.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedecine. no. 12 Jul 1978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Un resultat dans la ” culotte de cheval. ”{" "} Revue d'auriculomedecine. no. 22 Jan 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Une strange paralysis. Revue d'auriculomedecine. no. 12 Jul 1978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Elle se rongeait leg ongles.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine. no. 29 Oct l982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. et als. Cas cliniques. Revue d'auriculomedicine. no. 4 Jul 1976 Journal Article French France

Novak Leg observations du Docteur Novak.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Raynaud A. Une observation psychologique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomidecine no. 14 Jan 1979 Journal Article French France

Rouxeuele Y. Quelques observations. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 16 Jul 1979 Journal Article French France

Rouxeuele Y. Trois observations. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 29 Oct l982 Journal Article French France

Rouxeville Y. Quelques reflexions et remarques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 14 Jan 1979

Saussus E. En revenant du Congres. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 12 Jul 1978 Journal Article French France

Schneider R. Le point ” R ” de Bourdiol. Revue d'auriculomedi cine no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Tournier Cinq cas d'auriculotherapie. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 28 Jul 1982 Journal Article French France

Van den BA. L'introduction i l'aycronto: diagnostic et therapeutique . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Audculomedicine {" "} Lyon France Haug editeur Bruxelles, 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM

Vigneron JL. Du port des bijoux au cours de l'examen en auriculomedicine. Annates du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Viguie R. Observation de R. Viguie. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France

Villaverde JR, Enequez T. Entrevista a p. Nogier entrevue avec P. Nogier . Biociencias revista de medicina integral, 1985, no 1-2, 184-194, 14

1.4 Clinical Techniques and Procedures

Bahr FR. Methodes energetiques chinoises classiques et auriculomedicine . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000

Bourdin D, Lesperres MJ, Fabre JJ, Castelain A. Stimulation des points d'acupuncture par une onde electromagnetique de tres haute frequence techniques et methodes. Meridiens,1985, no 69-70,185-190, ref 1985 Acubase Disponible a la BIU de Nimes.

Coblentz L. Auriculo-medecine et traitement des cicatrices.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 6 Jan 1977 Journal Article French France

Gomez OE. Uso de aguj as semipermanentes sus innovaciones una experiencia de quince.{" "} Anos Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994

Julienne B, Mallard A. Nouvelles approches diagnostiques et therapeutiques. Fascicule du Cours Superieur no 8 Jan 1999 Brochure French France

Kiener E, Roths A. Repertoire synthetique: acupuncture dentaire, auriculotherapie, reflexotherapie. Facio-Buccale

Kovacs JH. Votre oreille et ses secrets. Retz, 1983 -1984. 1983 -1984. Book French

Leclerc B. Precis d'auriculotherapie, tome I (170 pages). La technique, 1994. Auteur / GLEM 1994. Book French

Lentz A. Technique des quatre systemes. Annales du G.L.E.M.{" "} (1996)

Lentz A. Technique espace-temps brochure. Publiec par L'auteur 1995 book French

Martinez FV. Curso de tecnicas superiores en auriculomedina. Proelsa SA mayo 1987 Proelsa SA p' de Gracia 69 4′ dpcho 9 Barcelonna Spain, Espagne

Nogier P, Gutierrez VJ. I{" "} Mesa Nacional de auriculomedicina proelsa. 1987 Proelsa SA p de Gracia 69 4′ dpcho 9 Barcelonna Spain

Nogier P. Le GIR 30. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France France

Nogier P. Le GIR i curseur. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Awil 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Les rayons semi-coherents ou micro-lasers.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 6 Jan 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'utilisation des couleurs en auriculo-medecine.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 7 Apr 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Plan de l'enseignement de l'auriculotherapie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 28 Jul 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Un nouveau traitement de la spasmophilie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 2 Jan 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier R.{" "} Introduction pratique a l'auriculo-medecine, la photo-perception cutanee. {" "} Haug, 1993. Book French

Piro C. Une nouvelle couleur qui semble interessante dans les troubles du sommeil Revue d'auriculomedicine no 14 Jan 1979 Journal Article French France

Rouxeville Y. Etude de la recherche clectrique, etude des transferts.{" "} Fascicule du Cours supeneur d'auriculomedecine no. 6 May 98 GLEM Brochure French France

Schneider R. Une therapeutique improvisee.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Toureng JC. A propos de ” l'introduction pratique i 14 _{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Vozianov AF, Pasechnikov SP, Kovtuniak ON. The laser reflexotherapy of patients with chronic prostatitis Vrach Delo 1991 Feb; (2):45-8 Medfine 91280878 Journal article Russian USSR

You F. Pratique de l'acupuncture audculaire. Satas, Belgique.

Zhaohao W, Minghua L, Chichun C.{" "} Pratique de l'acupuncture auriculaire. Paris: Libraire You Feng. 1991

1.5 Contraindications, Complications, Adverse Reactions

Allison G, Kravitz E. Letter: Auricular chondritis secondary to acupuncture. New Engl J Med 1975 Oct; 293 (15): 780 Medline 76010689

Bork K. Multiple lymphocytoma at the point of puncture as complication of acupuncture treatment. Traumatic origin of lymphocytoma.{" "} Hautarzt 1983 Oct-, 34 (10): 4 96-9 Medline 84060934 German

Davis O, Powell W. Auricular perichondritis secondary to acupuncture.{" "} Arch Otolaryngol 1985 Nov 111 (11):770-1 Medline 86025050

De Saboya R, Sylvia H. Metodologia da pesquisa clentifica nos transtomos psicoafetivos : um enfoque voltado para a integragao da auriculomedicina e da socionomia.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Portugese

Dervieux. Dangers et miracles des boucies d'oreille. Buchet Castel, 1984.

Fayeton S. Les indications de l'auriculotherapy dans une clientele de generaliste. Revue d'auriculomddecine no. 15 Apr 1979 Journal Article French France

Gilbert JG. Auricular complication of acupuncture.{" "} New Engl Med J 1987 Mar; 100(819):141-2 1987 Mar Medline 88247023

Johansen M, Nielsen KO. Perichondritis of the ear caused by acupuncture.{" "} Ugeskrifi for Laeger 1990 no. 3 p. 152.

Peacher WG. Adverse reactions, contraindications and complications of acupuncture and moxibustion. Amer J Chin Med 1975 Jan 3 (l): 35-46 Medline 75125792 Journal article Review Eng

Rouxeville Y. Approche du dilemme “cause ou consequence”en auriculotherapy (avec I'agiscop) et en auriculomedicine (avec le gir 30). Site Internet du GLEM 1998

Savage Jones H. Auricular complications of acupuncture.{" "} J Laryngol Otol 1985 Nov; 99 (11): 1143-5 Medline 86035800

Sorensen T. Auricular perichondritis caused by acupuncture therapy (letter) Ugeskr Laeger 1990 Mar; 152 (11): 752-3 Medline 90208962 Danish

Tang C. Treatment of adverse reactions following facial cosmetic surgical abrasion with auricular pellet pressure.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1990 Sep; 10 (3): 196-8 Medline 91116906

Umeh B. Ear acupuncture using semi-permanent needles: acceptability, prospects and problems in Nigeria. Amer J Chin Med 1988; 16 (1-2): 67-70 Medline 89116128

1.6 General Editorials and Letters to the Editor

Ackerman JM. Letter to the Editor: Bio-Information.{" "} Frontier Perspectives 1994 Vol. 4, No, 1 p. 4 e{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial (suite). Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 5 Oct 1976 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 3 Apr 1976 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial: La medecine de demain.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 4 Juil 76 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Vers une medicine plus humaine{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 17 Oct 1979 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial (suite et fin) Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 6 Jan 1977 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial: L'auriculo-medecine vue par le Recteur P. Magnin (suite et fin) Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 13 Oct 1978 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial: L'auriculo-medicine vue par le Recteur P. Magnin{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 12 Jul 78 Journal Article French France

Magnin P. Editorial-Vers une medicine plus humaine (suite et fin){" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 18 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. A propos d'un anniversaire. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 21 Oct 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Coup d'dventail sur l'auriculomedicine.{" "} Annales du Prernier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 28 Jul 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 20 Jul 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 22 Jan 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial: auriculo-mddecine et acupuncture.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 8 Jul 1977 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Editorial: Problemes actuels vus i travers l'auriculo-medicine. Chapitre II.-Le malade et ses mddicaments.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 10 Jan 1978 Journal Article France

Nogier P. Editorial: Un anniversaire. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 19 Apr 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Face to face with auriculotherapy [letter].{" "} Acupunct Electrother Res 1983 8 (l): 99-100

Nogier P. Face to face with auriculotherapy [letter].{" "} Acupunct Electrother Res 1983 8 (l) 99-100 Medline English

Nogier P. Problemes actuels vus i travers l'auriculo-medicine. Chapitre Ill.-Le souci de I'autre pour le medecin.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no I I Apr 1978 Journal Article France

Nogier P. To speak on anniversary purpose.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 21 Oct 1980 Journal Article French France

Rouxeville Y. Rapport de la commission acupuncture auriculaire.{" "} Congres FAFORMEC Nimes 1998

2.1 Clinical Research Methods

Bahr FR. Les origines de la methode: documents chinois.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. I Sept 1975 Journal Article French France

Oleson T. Treatment outcome research in auriculotherapy.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Audculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 English GLEM

2.2 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Chen H. Recent studies on auriculoacupuncture and its mechanism.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1993 Jun 13(2): 129-43 Medline 94017931 Journal article English China

Inconnu .{" "} NIH Consensus Development Conference on Acupuncture program and Abstracts . 1997 November 3 5, National Institute of Health, Office of the Director, Continuing Medical Education, Bethesda, Maryland

Riet G, Kleijnen J., Knipschild P. A meta-analysis of studies into the effect of acupuncture on addiction.{" "} British J of General Practice September, 1990 Vol. 40, pp. 379-382.

Russell J, Erickson MD.{" "} Bibliography review of acupuncture articles in English

2.3 Surveys of Patients and Practitioners, Qualitative Research

Rouxeville Y. La situation de l'acupuncture auriculaire en France en 1999. Une enquete de satisfaction relative aux pratiques et a l'opinion des medecins pratiquant enfrance en 1999.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 Lyon {" "} France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

2.4 Auricular Diagnosis, Tongue Diagnosis, Oriental Pulse Diagnosis, Skin Color

Ikezono E. Objective analysis of ear acupuncture by biological methods and pulse diagnosis . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Ikezono E. Objective digital analysis of pulse diagnosis using tonometry . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May GLEM English

Nogier P. Un diagnostic i distance. Revue d'auriculomedicine.{" "} no. 11 Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Omura Y. New simple early diagnostic methods using Omuras “Bi-Digital O-Ring Dysfunction Localization Method” and acupuncture organ representation points, and their applications to the “drug and food compatibility test” for individual organs and to auricular diagnosis of internal organs. part 1. Acupunct Electrother Res 1981; 6 (4): 23 954 Medline 82226927 English

Portnov FG. Neurocybemetic concept of electropuncture auricular diagnosis and auricular therapy /concept neurocybemetiwue de I electropuncture auriculo diagnostic et auriculotheraphie .{" "} Scandinavian J of acupuncture and electrotherapy, 1992,vol.7, no 3-4, 91-93 English

Portnov FG. Neurocybernetic concept of electropuncture auricular diagnosis and auricular therapy.{" "} Scandinavian J of Acupuncture and Electrotherapy,1992, vol.7, no3-4, 91-93 1992 Acubase Disponible a la BIU de Nimes, FAX (33/0) 4 66 23 66 52, indiquer la Reference : English

Riviere A. Auriculo-diagnostic. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 17 Oct 1979 Journal Article French France

Romoli M, Vettori F. Preliminary considerations on changes in pigmentation structure and vascularization of the outer ear in relation to chronic organic of functional disease. Minerva Medica. 1982 Mar 31. 73

Saku K, Mukaino Y, Ying H, Arakawa K. Characteristics of reactive electropermeable points on the auricles of coronary heart disease patients. Clin Cardiol 1993 May 16(5) 415-9.

Timoschevski S. Metrological standardisation of pulse diagnostics methods by means of a new laser electronic pulse sensor, VAS research and classification of observable pulse reactions.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Vichniakova I. Le systeme d'information et de diagnostic auriculaire assists par ordinateur ” ACUS quatre ans de developpement.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

2.5 Auricular Medicine, VAS, RAC, Nogier Phases, Dental Foci, Laterality, Oscillations

Ackerman JM, Lewis WM. Integration of VAS techniques with traditional Western medical techniques.{" "} Coherence : International J of Integrated Medicine ISSN 1565-0138.

Ackerman JM. Navach's auricular medicine discoveries and beyond.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} 2000 Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Lyon Abstract de Congress English

Ackerman JM. Navach's biochemical and neurophysiologic aspects of the VAS . International Consensus Conference on Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy and Auricular Medicine {" "} Las Vegas, Nevada, August 12-16, 1999 1999 99 Conference Manual, pp. 51-57.

Ackerman JM. Proceedings of energy fields in medicine: a study of device technology based on acupuncture meridians and chi energy. 1988, The John E. Fetzer Foundation, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Ackerman JM. The biophysics and neurochemistry of the VAS : its relationship to healing (part one){" "} Coherence 2/98 International J of Integrated Medicine 1998 Part 1: February, 1998; Part 11: January, 1999 issn 1565-0138 Journal Article English Netherlands

Ackerman JM. The biophysics of the VAS, Chapter 1″, “The Phenomenon of Healing, Chapter 11, “Integration of VAS Techniques with Western Medical Techniques, Chapter III” (with Walter M. Lewis, M.D.). The John E. Fetzer Foundation, 9292 West KL Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009, 1989

Araripe Leda de Alencar C Andrade. Auricular medicine and psychopathology : a link among the major psychiatrics syndromes, the Torti's phases and the phases of the emotional development of the individual in asocionomic view . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 English

Bahr FR.{" "} Riehrbuchreihe wissenschaftlich akupunktur und aurikulomedizin.{" "} Verlag fur Medizin, Heidelberg, 1978

Banos A. Le reflexe auriculo cardiaque comme moyen de diagnostic dans la pathologie abdominale.{" "} Annales de la Societe d'Acupuncture d'Aquitaine, 1992, no 13, 37-42

Banos A. L'utilisation du reflexe auriculo cardiaque dans le diagnostic en acupuncture.{" "} Annales de la Societe d'Acupuncture d'Aquitaine. 1989, no 5, 1-6 Acubase Disponible a la BIU de Nimes

Blanchon J. La medicine auriculaire : croyance ou science.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

Bourdiol R.J.{" "} Le systeme nerveux en auriculo-medicine (suite). Revue d'auriculomedicine {" "} no 9 Oct 1977 Journal Article French France

Bourdiol RJ, Serfati M. L'auriculo –somatotologie.{" "} Maisonneuve, 1981. 264 pages Book French

Braemer C. Importance des foyers. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 26 Jan 1982 Journal Article French France

Bricot B. Enregistrement du RAC. Revue d'auriculomedicine. no. 12 Jul 78 Journal Article French France

Chiollaz M, Larcher J. Etude du VAS par analyse spectrale.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 20 Jul 1980 (Travaux de M. Chiollaz et J. Larcher, ingenieurs en Traitement du Signal) (Service de B. Escudie, I.C.P.I.) Journal Article French

Coutte A, Nogier R. Objectivite clinique du VAS.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

Couture L. La lateralite et l'auriculomedecine a laterality and auricular medicine . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedecine {" "} Lyon France : 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Dassonville G. Histoire du collier toxique.{" "} Sciences et Medecines Nouvelles No I 1989 GLEM Journal Article French Cable Edition

De Sousa A. Reflexions sur la reponse autonome circulatoire (ou RAC ). Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Fayeton S. Au sujet de la lateralite. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France

Fayeton S. Lateralite et orientation. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 17 Oct 1979 JournalArticle French France

Fiches G. Les frequences du Dr. Paul Nogier aux mecanismes physiologiques et patholoeques.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculothdrapie et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Fiches G. Un ” point maftre ” de 1'epiphyse.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. Jul 1983 Journal Article French France France

Frinerman E, Dvorkin E. Is an “angiometric test” an adequate test for registering the vascular autonomic signal ? Coherence 1998 Journal Article English Netherlands

Frinerman E, Dvorkin E. Vascular autonomic signal (VAS): perspectives of computerized machinery registration . International J of Auricular Medicine : 2nd annual conference of the medical society of acupunture of the Israeli Medical Association {" "} 1995 Bat-Yam, Israel English

Granja CW, Eduardo Torti E. Phases and points of human psychism in auricular medicine: an integrative approach. Universal holographic cronosplatia -. an approachof human being comprehension on a pluri referential focusing.{" "} Annates du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Audculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM

Granja CW. A graduation course in auricular medicine and auriculotherapy: A socionomic proposal.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 English

Habersack WG. Auriculomedicine-auriculotherapy. Zahnarzt, 1975 Sep, 19:9, 348-50 Journal article German Germany{" "} Abstract

Haubursin P. Bloce vertebral aigu et polarion unidirectionnel.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Haubursin P. Contractures. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Haubursin P. Contusion et polartron. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Henry JC. Approche methodologique pour la mise en evidence du VAS (RAC).{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 18 Jan 1980 France

Hofman SW. Energy reactivity detection with melanin (m) and “anti-melanin” (am) hypothesis. Coherence 1998 English Netherlands

Hofman SW. Measurement of medication/intoxication effect, in vivo, using filter 15 (and the vas) 167 coherence 1/98 : The 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics and therapy Oisterwijk, The Netherlands September 19-21, 1997 Oisterwijk, The Netherlands issn 1565-0138 Gouda, The Netherlands Abstract de congres/Congress English Netherlands

Hofman SW. The three tissue layers, new perspectives with precious stones.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Juliennc B, Mallard A. Mise ijour des localisations ectodermiques en phase 1, phase 2, et phase 3. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1998)

Julienne B, Mallard A, Fiches G. Etude des relations entre auriculomedecine et substances homeopathiques, phytotherapiques, litotherapiques ainsi que granions et oligosols.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 3 May 1997 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A, Fiches G. Un univers vibratoire.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 3 May 1997 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Affections chroniques, zones exclues.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 8 Jan 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Correspondance entre les filtres couleurs Lee et aaes couleurs Kodak wratten boles anneaux tests tissulaires d'origine ectodermique -En fonction des deux e1ements precedents = utilisation des filtres couleurs Lee pour une approche diagnostique et therapeutique{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 10 Oct 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Filtres couleurs, filtres de phase, filtres de frontiers. Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine May 1998 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Le recruteur, locahsation en phase I du mesoderme et de 1'endoderme.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 6 May 98 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Les differentes phases audculaires et periauriculaires, hypotheses concemant leur nombre et leur roble, applications diagnostiques et therapeutiques{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 7 Oct 1998, Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Les representations reflexes auriculaires et periauriculaires etudiees par leurs correspondences frequentielles au moyen du Gir 30/ girlase et des couleurs Kodak Wratten selectionnees initialement par le Docteur Paul Nogier et coelaborateurs.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 9 Juin 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Les representations reflexes auriculaires et periauriculaires etudiees par leurs correspondences frequentielles, au moyen du Gir 30, Girlase et des couleurs Kodak Wratten.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 French

Julienne B, Mallard A. Representation reflexes auriculaires du systeme nerveux central, du systeme nerveux vegetatif et des nerfs craniens. Representation reflexe auriculaire de ces trois systemes. Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 5 Jan 1998 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Representations reflexes de la region penauriculaire, en fonction de leur nature embryologique.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 10 Oct 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Representations reflexes ectodermiques, mesodermiques endodermiques dans les phases 1, 2,3.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 8 Jan 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Tous les points de fonction, definition, localisation -quelques points macitres.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 8 Jan 1999 Brochure French France

Julienne B, Mallard A. Veux approches differentes de l'examen auriculaire i l'aide de: Vies neuromediateurs et les huiles essentielles 2Aes acides amines.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 9 Juin 1999, Brochure French France

Julienne B. Mallard A. Relation auriculomedecine et acupuncture.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no. 2 Jan 1997 Brochure French

Julienne B; Mallard A. Les quatre forces qui regissent l'univers, les eaux dites miraculeuses, application i I'auriculo.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine go 4 Novembre l997 GLEM, Brochure French France

Julienne D, Mallard A. Deux abords differents de 1'examen du malade.{" "} Fascicule du Cours Superieur d'Auriculomedecine no 7 Oct 1998 Brochure French France

Jullenne B, Mallard A. Les representations reflexes auriculaires et periauriculaires des principaux tissus et organcs humains, en fonction de leur nature embryologique.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 French

Klowersa R. L'importance pratique des localisations neurologiques du pavilion de l'oreille.{" "} Annates du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 French

Korthout A. Symptom-shift as a result of auriculotherapeutic intervention. International J of Auricular Medicine (IJAM) 1996

La Ferla D, Romoli M. La sensation progagde : nouvelle frontiere pour l'auriculotherapy.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 French

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3.2 Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, Sedative Abuse

Bagnis JP. Contribution a la des intoxication alcoolique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France

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3.3 Opiate Abuse, Heroin, Morphine, Methadone

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3.4 Stimulant Abuse, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Hallucinogens, Cannabinols, Marijuana

Avants SK, Margolin A, Chang P, Kosten TR, Birch S. Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction. Investigation of a needle puncture control. J Subst Abuse Treat 1995 May-Jun; 12 (3): 195-205.

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Margolin A, Chang P, Avants SK, Kosten TR Effects of shAmer and real auricular needling: implications for trials of acupuncture for cocaine addiction. Amer J Chin Med 1993; 21(2):103-11 Medline 94056261. Clinical trial; Journal article English United States

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3.5 Smoking Cessation, Nicotine Addiction

Audry M. L'auricule i travers 3 programmes anti-tabac. Facute de Medecine de Dijon no 71 1976

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3.6 Weight Loss, Obesity

Alimi D. Neurophysiologie du controle alimentaire et auriculotherapy.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1997) 24

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Haubursin P. Insuffisance cardiaque et obesite.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Huang MH, Yang RC, Hu SH. Preliminary results of triple therapy for obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996 Sep; 20(9): 830-6 journal article English

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Bazzoni G. Interet de l'auriculotherapy dans l'obesite et le contre ole du comportement alimentaire . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM

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Shiraishi T, Onoe M, Kageyama T, Sameshima Y, Kojima T, Konishi S, Yoshimatsu H, Sakata T. Effects of auricular acupuncture stimulation on nonobese, healthy volunteer subjects. Obes Res 1995 Dec; 3 Suppl 50:667S-673S Japan

Shiraishi T. The effects of bilateral auricular stimulation on healthy volunteer and mild obese patients.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculothirapie et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Soong YS. The treatment of erogenous obesity employing auricular acupuncture. Amer J Chin Med 1975 Jul; 3 (3): 285-7 Medline 76059099 Journal article English United States

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Tang X. 75 cases of simple obesity treated with auricular and body acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med 1993 Sep; 13 (3): 194-5 Medline 94066545

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Tekeoglu I, Adak B, Ercan M, Sekeroglu R. The effect of auricular therapy on serum lipids in simple obesity Coherence 19987 Journal Article English

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Zhan J. Observations on the treatment of 393 cases of obesity by semen pressure on auricular points. J Tradit Chin Med 1993 Mar; 13 (l): 27-30 Medline 93274915

Zhang ZZ. Weight reduction by auriculo acupuncture : a report of 110 cases. J of Tradit Chinese Medicine, 1990, vol. 10, no 1, 17-18 Medline, Journal article English China

4.1 General Pain, Myofascial Pain, Fibromyalgia

Devlikamova FI. The effects of auriculotherapy and dry needling on myofascial pain syndrome. Abstracts of{" "} ICMART'97 International Medical Acupuncture Symposium. Kazalo Medical Academy, Central Hospital of Tatarstan, Russia .

Dott P, Privitera P. Zona, causalgies et visceralgies associes en auriculotherapie. Revue d'auriculomedicine n'35 Apr 1984 Journal Article French France .

Haubursin P. Deux cas etonnants de correction de cicatrices.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

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Meas Y. Apport de l'auriculo-acupuncture dans le traitement de la douleur. Evaluation au Centre Anti-douleur du CHU de Nantes.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Abstract de Congress French.

Melzack R, Katz J. Auriculotherapy fails to relieve chronic pain. A controlled crossover study. JAMA 1984 Feb 24;251(8):1041-3 Medline 84115170 clinical trial Journal Article, Randomized Controlled Trial , English

Nogier P. Comment soulager les douleurs intolerables.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedecine. no. 22 Jan 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Douleurs insupportables du plexus brachial.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 22 Jan 1981 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Observations medicales -. Douleur symetrique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 13 Oct l978. Journal Article French France

Pichard LE, Fermand SB. Apport de l'auriculotherapie dans les douleurs cancereuses sequellaires. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1997) 27

Privitera P. Douleur viscerale en auriculomedicine.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 22 Jan 1981 Journal Article French France France

Rovere PM. Dall'agopuntura alla mayasomatologia nuove interpretazioni sull'agopunctura.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Sanchez M, et A. La douleur viscerale et l'innervation des vaisseaux cerebraux. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 28 Jul 1982 Venezuela Journal Article French France

Van Gelder AF. Pathological points and their satellites, therapeutic consequences, especially in pain treatment.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Xu Y. Treatment of acute pain with auricular pellet pressure on ear shenmen as the main point. J Tradit Chin Med 1992 Jun; 12(2):114-5 Medline 92356662.

4.2 Back Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, Hip, Buttocks

Kurland H D. Controversies in the relief of back pain auricular techniques: 20 year clinical perspective Coherence 1998 : The 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy Oisterwijk, The Netherlands September 19-21, 1997 issn 1565-0138 Kenilworth, USA Abstract de Congress English Netherlands

4.3 Migraines, Tension Headaches, Cluster Headaches

Baudet F. Migraine et auriculotherapy.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM

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Yinlian L. 43 cases of migraine treated by auricular point pression method. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990 3(l) 57-9

4.4 Neck and Shoulder Tension, Cervical Pain, Torticollis, Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder, Bursitis

Brenner T, Horvath M, Guidetti G. New aspects of the neuroreflexotherapy in the treatment of cervical syndrom and balance disorders . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM

Martinez M. Torticolis spasmodique. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

4.5 Extremities Pain: Foot, Ankle, Knee, Hand, Wrist, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow Pain

Pohakova A. The use of auriculotherapy in the rehabilitation of the patients with locomotive disorders controlled by electroacupuncture diagnostics. Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Razafitsalama D. Douleur traumatique de la jambe. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 3 1 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Strom H. Effect of electro-acupuncture of the ear on joint movement and pain after meniscectomy. A controlled triple-blind study. Ugeskr Laeger 26;139(39) 1977 Sep 2326-9 Danish

4.6 Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Boucinhas JC. Results of auricular colorpuncture on articular traumatic pain.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English .

Navach JH. Identification of patients with food sensitive osteoarthritis symptoms by HLA phenotype

4.7 Dental Pain, TMJ Disorder, Toothaches, Gingivitis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain

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Debard S. Le champ perturbateur dentaire, un probleme incontoumable.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM

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Nogier P. Correspondance des differentes dents avec certaines parties du pavilion de l'oreille. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 15 Apr 1979 Journal Article France

Nogier P. Identification de la maladie aux cent visages.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Observations medicales: nevralgie faciale.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 13 Oct l978 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Une douleur de la face. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 29 Oct l982 Journal Article French France

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Novak A. Fracture du coude. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Oca C, Ellie J, Doutremepuich Ch, Fontan F. Electro-auriculo-acupuncture balancee dans la chirurgie cardiaque chez 1'enfant, travail de la clinique. Chirurgicale des maladies cardiaques{" "}

Oca C, Ellie J, Doutremepuich CM, Fontan F. L'electro-auriculo-acupuncture balancee dans la chirurgie cardiaque chez 1'enfant. Ro1e des endorphines. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 26 Jan 1982 Journal Article French France

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Romoli M. Variations electromyographiques dans le bruxisme apres stimulation auriculaire.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

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Schneider R. Un foyer dentaire. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

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Wojak W. Control and therapy of the bite by acupuncture according to the TMJ and the role of the muscles of the vertebral column in this particular case.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English Wong CW.{" "} Acupuncture by the ear. Cheong Kee Book Co 1974

4.8 Analgesia, Anesthesia, Surgery, Post-Operative Pain, Post-Operative Complications

Asis D. Analgesia postoperatoria con auriculoterapia en artroscopia de Rodillia. Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedecine Lyon France -. Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French.

Baum J, Schilling A. Combined-electrostimulation-hypalgesia in surgery of the lumbar vertebral column. A tentative evaluation of this method (author's transl). Anaesthesist 1979 May 28 (5):227-36 Medline 79229627 German.

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Bourdiol R. Analgesie en neuro-radiologie par stimulation du pavilion de l'oreille. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 2 Jan 76 Journal Article French France.

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Ceccherelli F, Ambrosio F, Adami MG, et al. Failure of high frequency auricular electrical stimulation to relieve postoperative pain after cholecystectomy. Results not improved by administration of aprotinin{" "} Dtsch Z Akupunktur 1985 87-92 28(4) German.

Ceccherelli F, Manani G, Ambrosio F, Angel A, Valenti S, Facco E, Giron GP. Influence of acupuncture on the postoperative complications following ketamine anesthesia. The importance of manual stimulation of point R and shen menn, Acupunct Electrother Res 1981; 6(4):255-64 Medline 82226928.

Dalal S, Shetty N. Clinical application of acupuncture moxibustion. Peking, China, 99-101 Acubase Disponible a la Biu de Nimes: English.

Darwin CR. Analgesia por acupuntura.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedecine {" "} Lyon France: Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM.

Facco E, Manani G, Angel A, Vincenti E, Tambuscio B, Ceccherelli F, Troletti G, Ambrosio F, Giron GP. Comparison study between acupuncture and pentazocine analgesic and respiratory post-operative effects.{" "} Amer J Chin Med 1981 Aut; 9(3)-.225-35 Medline 83253048.

Jiang J. Clinical study and application of auricular magnet anesthesia for the operation of the thyroid. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1995- 20(3):4-8 1995 3 4-8 Medline 96333697.

Kozma A. Auriculotherapy-a method for inducing analgesia in the stomatological practice. Rev Chir Oncol Radiol 1987 Apr/Jun 34 (2): 139-49 Medline 89265952 journal article.

Lequang T, Badaoui R, Riboulot M, Verhaeghe P, Ossart M. Postoperative analgesia by auriculotherapy during laparoscopic cholecystectomy . Cah Anesthesiol 1996;44 (4) : 289-92 Medline 97186248. Journal Article French.

Lewis GB. An alternative approach to premedication : comparing diazepAmer with auriculotherapy and a relaxation method.{" "} Amer J of Acupuncture, 1987, vol, 15, no 3, 205-214.

Martynova GI, Kurabtseva ON, Malyshev AV, Komissarov VI. The role of non-traditional methods of analgesia in the postoperative period.{" "} Anesteziol Reanimatol 1990 Mar; (2):50-1 Medline 90379547.

Mastroianni A. The treatment of postoperative pain with the use of semipermanent auricular needles. Panminerva Med 1985 Jan; 27(l)-39-42 1985 Jan 1 39-42 Medline 85297390.

Meas Y. A propos d'un cas d'analgesie chirurgicale par auriculomedecine.{" "} Sciences et Medecines Nouvelles Vol I N'3 GLEM Journal Article French.

Meas Y. L'analgesie par auriculotherapie et auriculomedecine. Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapie et d'Auriculomedicine Lyon France : Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French.

Navach JH. Accumulation of electromagnetically sensitive organic compounds at sites of surgical injury.

Piro C. Compte rendu d'une analgesie par auriculotherapie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 16 Jul 1979 Journal Article French France.

Wang FH, Chen CL, Chen MC, Wang PY, Lin JM, Jih KS. Auricular electroacupuncture for post thoracotomy pain.{" "} Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih 1988 May; 41(5):349-56 Medline 89119194.

Wu H, Bi L, Shen P, Li Z, Zhu P. Clinical observation and mechanism study on application of auricular-pressing pill for postoperative analgesia. J Tradit Chin Med 1997 Mar; 17 (l):26-31 Medline 99366293.

Wu H, Bi L, Xu C, Zhu P. Analgesic effect of pressure on auriculoacupoints for postoperative pain in 102 cases.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1991 Mar; 1l (l) -22-5.

Wu H, Bi LY, Xu CS, Zhu PT. Clinical observation of 50 cases of postoperative incisional pain treated by auricularacupoint pressure.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1989 Sep; 9(3):187-9 Medline 90135291.

Xudong G. Clinical study on analgesia for biliary colic with ear acupuncture at point Erzhong. Amer J Acupunct 1993; 21 (3): 237-9.

Zanini F. Current role of acupuncture in analgesic therapy.{" "} Minerva Med 1983 Apr 21;74( 17):961-7 Medline 83193059 Journal article Italian.

4.9 Burns, Wound Care

Lewis SM, Clelland JA, Knowles CJ, Jackson JR, Dimick AR. Effects of auricular acupuncture-like transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation on pain levels following wound care in patients with burns: a pilot study.{" "} J Burn Care Rehabil 1990 Jul- 11(4)-322-9 Medline 90383219. Controlled Clinical Trial Review, English

6.1 General Psychiatry and Psychology

Atwood T. Acudetox as an alternative treatment for symptom management of serious mental illness. Convegno Intemazionale NADA-1997 (Milano, Italy) 1997 812

Boucher J. Ma pratique des points psychologiques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 16 Jul 1979 Journal Article French France

Helena H. Action of auriculotherapy upon psychic evolution in boy with psychomotor retardation.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France

Hofman SW. Topography of reflex zones of head and ear in relation with clinical psychopathology Inl J of Auricular Medicine 1995

Leclerc B. Les cephalees. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Lentz A. Psychisme et Auriculomedicine.{" "} Bulletin de liaison de I'AMABF no. 1 Mar 1982

Nogier P. Les points psychiques (suite).{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 5 Oct 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Les problemes du sommeil. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 26 Jan 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Points psychologiques. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 4 Jul 1976 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. Reflexion a propos de la localisation des points psychiques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 4 Jul 1976 Journal Article French France

Para F. Emotive stress and the carpal tunnel syndrome auriculotherapy, clinical and electrophysiological evaluation.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France: Haug editeur Bruxelles. 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM

Torti E. Diagnosis and treatment of psycho-affective disorders . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Veenstra M. Alzheimer's disease and ADHD in relation to sleep disorder.{" "} Coherence 1998 : the 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy September 19-21, 1997 Oisterwijk, Netherlands

6.2 Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Hallucinations

Nogier P. Manifestations schizophriniques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 8 Jul 1977 Journal Article French France

Shi ZX. Observation on the curative effect of 120 cases of auditory hallucination treated with auricular acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med 1989 Sep; 9 (3): 176-8 Medline 90135286 Journal article English China

Shi ZX. Observation on the therapeutic effect of 120 cases of hallucination treated with auricular acupuncture.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1988 Dec; 8 (4): 263-4 Medline 89237272

6.3 Depression, Mood Disorders

Han JS. Electroacupuncture: an alternative to anti-depressants for treating affective diseases? International J of Neuroscience{" "} 1986 Vol. 29 pp. 79-92

Luo HC, et al. A comparative study of the treatment of depression by electroacupuncture and amitriptyline. China.

Luo HC, Shen YC, Jia YK. Clinical study of electro-acupuncture on 133 patients with depression in comparison with tecylic amitriptyline.{" "} Chung Hsi J Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1988 Vol 8, No. 2, 77-80, 68

Van Gelder A. Depression and the mental body. Coherence 1/98: the 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy. September 19-21, 1997 Oisterwijk, The Netherlands Rotterdam, English Netherlands

6.4 Insomnia, Anxiety, Stress, Psychosomatic Disorders

Dahout C. Insomnie. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Deipuech JP. Auriculomedicine et maladie psychosomatique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Lee TN. Lidocaine injection of auricular points in the treatment of insomnia. Amer J Chin Med 1977 Spr-1 5 (l): 71-7 Medline 77154533 Journal article English United States

Leib S. Psychosomatische und somatopsychische probleme in der aurikulomedizin. International J of Auricular Medicine 1995

Li J. Chrono-acupuncture (zi wu liu zhu) treatment for sleeplessness.{" "} Coherence 1/98: The 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy Oisterwijk, The Netherlands September 19-21, 1997 English Netherlands

Lian N, Yan Q. Insomnia treated by auricular pressing therapy.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1990 Sep 3 174-5 Medline 91116900

Navach JH. Designs of psychosomatic and somatopsychic disorders by use of Wrattan filters, phases V, X, and the VAS. Nogier Seminar, Montreal, Quebec October, 1984

Tabeeva DM, Akhtiamov IS. Effect of auricular acupuncture on the organization of night sleep Klin Med (Mosk) 1980 Oct; 58 (10): 102-5 Medline 81073191 Russian

Van Gelder A. Sleep disorders and the causal body. Coherence{" "} 1998 the 2nd international IAAMER congress on: auricular diagnostics & therapy September 19-21, 1997 Oisterwijk, English Netherlands

Yang CL. Clinical observation of 62 cases of insomnia treated by auricular point imbedding therapy. J Tradit Chin Med 1988 Sep; 8 (3): 190-2 Medline 89111607

7.1 Asthma, Bronchitis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Coughs, Hiccups

Bahr FR. Bronchial asthma and auriculo-acupuncture (author's transl).{" "} Prax Klin Pneumol, 1979 Apr, 33 Suppi I:, 689-94 Medline 79223734 Journal article German

Braemer C. La sinusite Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 10 Jan 78 Journal Article French France

Ciu Y. Needling auricular point heart in treatment of dysphonia- report of 170 cases. Int J Clin Acupunct 1993; 4(3): 273-6.

Danielovi D, Milan K. Validation of bronchodilator effect of auriculotherapy . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Delpuech JP. Un cas de tracheite chronique.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France

Dvorkin E. Pharmacucupuncture using HEEL drugs in respiratory diseases . International J of Auricular Medicine : 2nd annual conference of the medical society of acupunture of the Israeli Medical Association 1995 Bat-Yam, Israel English

Hu J. Clinical observation on 25 cases of hormone dependent bronchial asthma treated by acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med 1998 Mar; 18(l): 27-30 Medline 99366312

Leclerc, B. Un point miraculeux contre les ronflements.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1998)

Li X, Jingqiu Y, Qi B. Treatment of hiccough with auriculo acupuncture and auriculo traitement du hoquet par auriculopuncture et pression de points auriculairespressure a report of 85 cas.{" "} J of Tradit Chinese Medicine, 1990, vol. 10, no 4, 257-259 Journal article English China

Mitrofanova NI, Zagriadskii VA, Durinian RA. Auriculotherapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Ter Arkh 1977;49 (3): 127-9 Medline 77175242 Journal article Rus

Nezabudkin SN, Kachan AT, Fedoseev GB, Gamaiunov KP. The reflexotherapy of patients with respiratory allergoses. Ter Arkh 1992; 64 (l)-64-7 1992 1 64-7 Medline 92397221 Journal article Russian

Razafitsalama D. Sinusite ethmoidale. Revue d'auriculomedicine{" "} no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Shulan L. 47 cases of severe hiccup treated by auricular acupuncture.{" "} Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990 3 (1) : 55-6.

Yan S. 14 cases of child bronchial asthma treated by auricular plaster and meridian instrument.

Yang Z. Observation clinique sur la regularisation de la fonction respiratoire par I'auriculo acupuncture Selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,numero special pour les maladies internes, 1987,32-34 Shanghai : Association d'acupuncture de Shanghai Acubase Disponible a la BIU de Nimes

7.2 Cardiovascular Disorders, Coronary Disorders, Angina, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Tachycardia

Jianhua M, Yonsian X, Ningning Z, Jin Q, Moxun D. The effect of electroacupuncture at auricular heart area on the eletrocardiogrAmer [electrocardiogram] and the cardiac function . World J Acupunct Moxibustion 1992 Dec 2 (4) 19-22.

Laforgue D. Auriculo-medecine et troubles du rythme.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 12 Jul 1978 Journal Article French France

Laforgue D. Auriculo-medicine et trouble du rythme.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 11 Apr 1978 Journal Article French France

Meerson FZ, Beloshitskil PV, Radzievskil SA, Vorontsova FY, Didenko VE. Influence of transauricular electroacupuncture on ischemic and reperfusion arrhythmias in middle mountain conditions.{" "} Doki Biol Sci 1989 304 (1-6) 122-4.

Radzievskii SA, Vorontsova E. The effect of electroacupuncture and acupuncture on ischetac and reperfiision cardiac arrhythmias.{" "} Vopr Kurortot Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1989 Nov; (6): 7-9 Medline 90194783 JournalArticle Russian

Sanchez M. et A. Deux cas de troubles vasculaires des membres inferieurs. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 26 Jan 1982 Journal Article French France

Sobetskiy V. Tabagism treatment by reflexotherapy and auricular therapy of stage I and stage II hypertonic disease.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Zhou JR. Effect of auriculo-acupuncture plus needle embedding in heart point on left cardiac, humoral and endocrine function.{" "} Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, 1993 Mar, 13:3, 153-4, 132 Clinical Trial; Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial Chinese China

Zhou XQ, Liu JX. Metrological analysis for efficacy of acupuncture on angina pectoris. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, 1993 Apr, 13:4, 212-4. Clinical Trial; Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial Chinese

7.3 Hypertension, Blood Pressure, Sympathomimetic Vascular Effects

Akhmedov TI, Vasilev IM, Masliaeva LV. The hemodynamic and neurohumoral correlates of the changes in the status of hypertension patients under the influence of acupuncture. Ter Arkh 1993; 65(12):22-4 Medline 94196477 Russian

Braverman SE. Essential vascular hypertension.{" "} Medical Acupuncture Spring / Summer 1998 Volume 10 No. 1

Frinerman E, Dvorkin E. Hemodynamic changes during puncture of beta-blocker analogue auricular point.{" "} International J of Auricular Medicine (IJAM) 1995

Gaponiuk P, Leonova MV. The clinical efficacy of auricular electroacupuncture in treating hypertension patients.{" "} Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1990 Jan; (1): 13-5 Medline 90246780 Russian

Gaponiuk P, Sherkovina TJ, Leonova MV. Clinical effectiveness of auricular acupuncture treatment of patients with hypertensive disease acupuncture in medicine. Vol. XI No 1 May 1993 Page 29 BMAS, Newton House, Newton Lane, Lower Whitley, Warrington, Cheshire, WA

Gaponiuk P, Sherkovina TJ, Leonova MV, Krasnikov VE. Clinical effectiveness of auricular acupuncture therapy with hypertension patients. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1988 Jul (4):16-9 Medline 89059346 Russian

Gaponiuk P, Sherkovina TJ, Leonova MV. Acupuncture stimulation of the auricular points in hypertension patients with hypoand eukinetic types of blood circulation. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1987 Jul; (4):53-4 Medline 88072172 Russian

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Gaponiuk PI, Leonova MV, Sherkovina TI, Iotova VG. The effect of auricular electroacupuncture on the initial manifestations of cerebral circulatory failure in hypertension patients.{" "} Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1990 Nov (6): 31-4 Medline 91173610 Russian

Huang HQ, Liang SZ. Improvement of blood pressure and left cardiac function in patients with hypertension by auricular acupuncture.{" "} Chung Hsi I Chich Ho Tsa Chili 1991 Nov- 11 (11): 654-6, 643-4 Medline 92257676 Chinese

Leclerc B. HTA et Auriculotherapie. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1996)

Monaenkov AM, Lebedeva OD, Deena IF. Use of graded bicycle ergometry as a method for the objective evaluation of the efficacy of reflexotherapy in the early stages of hypertension. Ter Arkh 1984, 56:9, 34-6 Medline 85090914 Journal Article German

Pal'tseva IS, Fisenko LA; Abbakumov SA. Change in central hemodynamics and systolic phase structure as affected by reflexotherapy in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia. Kardiologiia, 1985 Aug, 25 8, 49-53 Medline 86063656 JournalArticle Russian

Romeu G, Asis D, Pautasso O, Gaydou A. Efecto de la auriculoterapia en la hipertension arterial. Congres de Natal 1997/ Site internet du GLEM Arterial Hypertension Section, Argentina. Abstract de Congress Spanish

Sherkovina T, Gaponiuk P. Effect of auricular acupuncture therapy on central hemodynamics in patients with hypertension.{" "} Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1988 Jan- (I)-20-2 Medline 88237278 Russian

Spacek A, Huemer G, Grubhofer G, Lackner FX, Zwolfer W, Kress HG. The use of ear acupuncture (P29-PAD, Occiput) in the case of a drop in blood pressure following the administration of thiopental.{" "} Dtsch Z Akupunkt 39(l) 1996 18-22 German

Tabeeva DM, Shagieva LK. Comparative analysis of the efficacy of different methods of acupuncture in the hyperand hypokinctic types of circulation in hypertensive patients. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr{" "} 1984; 84 (l): 47-50 Medline 84149452 Russian

Zhou R, Zhang Y, Wang J, Chang H, Fang J, Chen E. Anti hypertensive effect of auriculo acupoint pressing therapy clinical analysis of 274 cases.. J of Tradit Chinese Medicine, 199l, vol. 11, no 3, 189-192 Sep English

7.4 Gastro-Intestinal, Constipation, Diarrhea, Colitis, Ulcer, IBD, Hemorrhoids, Epigastric

Antonov AM, Mosiagin VV, Iaitskii NA, Grinenko NN, Antonova IA. The use of auricular puncture in the combined treatment of acute cholecystitis in elderly persons. estn Khir Im II Grek 1995; 154 (3): 104-5 Medline 96290221.

Borozan S, Petkovic G. Ear acupuncture has a hypotonic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Vojnosanit Pregi 1996 Jan; 53 (l): 31-3 Medline 97317285 Serbo-Croatian

Chen G. How to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of auriculo point seed pressing method in the treatment of cholelithiasisfra: comment renforcer. J of Tradit Chinese Medicine, 199l, vol. 1l, no 4, 263 -271 Medline Journal Article English China

Degtiareva II, Kharchenko NV. Nondrug methods in the combined treatment of peptic ulcer patients. Lik Sprava 1992 Sep; (9): 76-80 Medline 93127635 Journal article Russian

Flament C. Une crise d'hemorroides. Revue d'auriculomedicine no 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Hep A, Presek J, Dolina J,Ondrousek L, Dlte P. Treatment of esophageal motility disorders with acupuncture of the ear (preliminary report).{" "} Vnitr Lek 1995 Jul; 41 (7): 473-5 Medline 96058455 Journal article Czech. Czech Republic

Hu J. Acupuncture treatment of epigastric pain.{" "} J Tradit Chin Med 1995 vol 3 p. 238-240.

Martinez M. Pyrosis post-prandial. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Mounir RJ. La auriculomedicinea en el tratamiento del colon irritable.{" "} Proelsa SA 1987 Spain

Secondy A. Sommeil et maladies. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 14 Jan 1979 Journal Article French France

Wang T. Xiao S. Auricular acupoint pellet pressure therapy in the treatment of cholelithiasis. J Tradit Chin Med 1990 Jun; 10 (2) : 126-31 Medline 90362900

Zulueta C. Nuevo punto de auriculoterapia para mejorar el aprendizaje escolar y la memoriam.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Spanish

7.5 Liver Disease, Cirrhosis, Bilary Stones, Gall Bladder Disorders, Appendicitis

Lebel M. Problems of the gallbladder and treatment with auriculomedicine.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM English

Li Y, Tang X, Zhang Y, Wu F. The effect of stimulating the auricular liver-gall acupoint with electrode on synaptic of nucleus originis dorsalis nervi vagi in rabbits. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1992; 17 (3): 201-6 Journal article Chinese China

Zhang R, Ma SZ, Zhang TQ. The effect of auricular-plaster therapy on gallstone expulsion and on expansioncontraction function of the biliary system-a clinical analysis of 57 cases. J Tradit Chin Med 1986 Dec; 6(4):263-6 Medline 87256082

7.6 Urological Disorders of Kidney or Bladder, Prostate Problems, Enuresis

Ben H, Zhu Y. The effect of electro-acupuncture at auricular and body acupoints on the curve changes of the pressure-volume of urinary bladder and the electric activity of pelvic nerves of rat.{" "} Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1995; 20(2):51-4 Medline 96296507 Journal article Chinese China

Leclerc B. L'enuresie en pratique journalire sur 17 cas en 2 ans.{" "} Annales du G.L.E.M. (1998)

Limonat de Kerimel Y. Un cas rare d'enuresie.{" "} Revue d'audculomedicine no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Mallard A, Petitjean F. A propos d'une enuresie.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 32 Jul 1983 Journal Article French France

Milani L. Cases of enuresis nocturna treated with single reflexotherapy. Clinical and therapeutic evaluation Minerva Med 1976 Nov 24; 67 (57): 3753-6 Medline 77077623 Journal article Italian

Tian L, Yuan S, Ba E, Chen H, Zhou Z. J Tradit Chin Med, 1995 Mar, 15:1, 34-7 Medline 95302779 Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial English China

Wang Q, Li Z, Wang Y. Clinical observation on 103 cases of enuresis treated by auricular point pression therapy.{" "} Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1991 4(2) 109-11

7.7 Gynecology, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Menopause, Pelvic Pain

Bondi N, Albo R. Dysmenorrhea. Acupuncture treatment of 40 cases coming to our attention. Clinical note Minerva Med 1981 Sep; 72(33):2227-30 Medline 82036327 Journal article Italian Italy

Lewers D, Clelland JA, Jackson JR, Vamer RE, Bergman J. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in the relief of primary dysmenorrhea.{" "} Phys Ther 1989 Jan; 69 (l):3 -9 Medline 89099343 Spain clinical trial; journal article

Lozano F. Auriculotherapy and dismenorhea.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM Spanish Lu H.{" "} A complete textbook of auricular acupuncture. Vancouver, B, C. Canada: Academy of Oriental Heritage. 1975 book

Oleson T, Flocco B. Randomized control study of premenstrual syndromes triggered with ear, hand and foot reflexology.{" "} Obstetrics and Gynecology, 86, No. 6, 1993, 906-911

Sedlacek PR, Clelland JA, Knowles C, Jackson JR, Varner RE. Electrical conductance at auricular acupuncture points during dysmenorrhea.{" "} Clin J Pain 1988;4(3):183-90.

7.8 Obstetrics, Labor, Pregnancy, Infertility, Impotency, Uterine Contractions, Post-Partum

Aleksandrina EV, Zharkin AF, Gaprova AS. The acupuncture prevention of anomalies in labor strength in pregnant women of a risk group.{" "} Akush Ginekol (Mosk) 1992; (8-12) : 22-4 Medline 93182741 Journal article Russian Russia

Fiches G. L'explosion du kyste de l'ovaire.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Gerhard I, Postneek F. Auricular acupuncture in the treatment of female infertility. Gynecol Endocrinol 1992 Sep; 6 (3): 171-81 Medline 93071204 Germany. journal article English

Gerhard I, Postneek F. Possibilities of therapy by ear acupuncture in female sterility. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 1988 Mar; 48(3):165-71 Medline 88225945

Jin Y, Wu L, Xia Y Clinical study on painless labor under drugs combined with acupuncture analgesia. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1996; 21(3):9-17 1996 3 9-17 Medline 98048580

Khider Application de l'auriculotherapy en obsteteque.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France

Khider Conclusions actuelles sur 1'etude de l'action de l'auriculomedicine sur la contraction uterine au cours de la grossesse et de l'accouchement. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article French France

Khider Obsteteque. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 20 Jul 1980 Journal Article France

Leclerc B. Efficacite de l'auriculotherapy dans les “stefilites” idiopathiques. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1997) 21

Martin J, Laval M. Amsellem et Bricot B. Kyste de l'ovaire, auriculomedicine et polartron unidirectionnel.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 35 Apr 1984 Journal Article France

Qin GF, Tang HJ. 413 cases of abnormal fetal position corrected by auricular plaster therapy. J Tradit Chin Med 1989 Dec; 9(4):23 5-7 Medline 90205168

Wang M. 42 cases of climacteric syndrome treated with auricular pellet pressure. J Tradit Chin Med 1991 Sep-, 11(3):196-8 Medline 92085705

8.1 General Endocrinology and Hormones

Delpuech JP. Les transferts melaniques.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Guo W, Zhu H. Clinical observation in treating 32 diabetic patients with ear-point plaster therapy. Int J Clin Acupunct 1993 4(l) 97-9

Pepelyaev V. Auriculotherapy of thyroid gland diseases in patients suffeeng from Chernobyl catastroph{" "} International J of Auricular Medicine : 2nd annual conference of the medical society of acupunture of the Israeli Medical Association 1995 Mozyr, Belarus Abstract de congres/Congress English

Spagnotetti T., Liotti M., Tutino L., Marcucci F. Ear acupuncture and endocrine secretion.{" "} Bollettino Sicieta Italiana Biologia Spermtntale. 1982. Mar 15. 58

8.2 Diabetes, Pancreatitis, Hypoglycemia

Bobrov OE, Radzikhovskii AP, Loboda DI, Ogorodnik PV, Chmel VB, Ligonenko AV. Several problems of surgical treatment in acute biliary pancreatitis. Klin Khir 1991 (5) : 20-3 Medline 91342069 Journal article Russian

Solun MN, Liaifer AI. Acupuncture in the treatment of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities Probi .Endokrinol (Mosk) 1991 Jul; 37 (4): 20-3 Medline 92158899 Journal article Russian USSR

8.3 Thyroid Disorder, Thyroxine, Adrenal Disorder, ACTH, Cortisol

Detpuech J.P. Internt des filtres adrenaline et acetylcholine.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 23 Apr 1981 Journal Article French France

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8.4 Allergies, Immunity, Hypersensitivity, Anti-Inflammatory Disoirders, Colds, Flus, Infections

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Razafitsalama D. Zona. Revue d'auriculomidecine no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article French France

Schneider R. Zona. Revue d'auriculomddecine no. 31 Apr 1983 Journal Article France

Vasilenko AM, Kirilina EA, Sarybaeva DV. Prevention and correction of stress-induced immunodeficiency by atrial electroacupuncture.{" "} Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter 1989 May; (3):2 14 Medline 90016446 Journal article Russian USSR

Vulliez C. Les risques allergiques et toxiques de l'utilisation des metaux en bouche. Annales du G.L.E.M. (1995)

8.5 Cancer, Oncology

Alimi D. Analyse ouverte de 20 dossiers de patients, suivis et traites (pour des douleurs sequellaires post neoplasiques) par. Auriculotherapie, J of Pain and Symptom Management Rev 2000 Journal Article English

Aung SH. Clinical use of auricular acupuncture in oncology . Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000

Brule FS. Treatment of chronic cancer pain. Contribution of acupuncture, auriculotherapy and mesotherapy. Soins 1993 Jan; (568):3 9-40 Soins. Medline 94135350 Journal article French.

Delpuech JP. Le filtre tumoral: reactions auriculaires de terrain.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 28 Jul 1982 JournalAilicle French France

Nogier P. A propos du diagnostic et du traitement du terrain cancereux en auriculomedicine. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier P. L'auriculo-medecine peut-elle apporter une solution au diagnostic precoce du cancer? Revue d'auriculomedicine no 16 Jul 1979 Journal Article France

Nogier P. Tests nouveaux concemant le cancer.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 27 Apr 1982 Journal Article France

Park F, Jakub D, Matulova M, Schreiber M. Cervical spine blockage auriculopressure first aid. Peripheral palsy of n. facialis electromyography suitable length of acupuncture treatment.

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Riviere A. Place de l'auriculomedicine dans le suivi de la maladie cancereuse . Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Audculomedicine {" "} Lyon France 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM

Saussus E. Action de l'auriculotherapie sur les douleurs terminates dun cancereux. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 6 Jan 1977 Journal Article French France

Secondy A. Auriculo-medecine et diagnostic du cancer.{" "} Revue d'auriculiomedecine no. 18 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

Secondy A. Auriculo-medicine et diagnostic du cancer.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 18 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

Secondy A. Protocole d'examen pour un diagnostic du cancer en double aveugle. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 9 Oct 1977 Journal Article French France

9.1 Veterinary Acupuncture and Animal Studies

Alimi D. Le halo vital hypotheses chronobiologioues . Annates du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France : 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM French

Auriculodiagnosis of acute diarrhoea in the dog an experimental study . International J of Auricular Medicine (IJAM)

Braemer C. L'application de l'auriculomedicine en medicine veten'naire et pour la protection des plantes.{" "} Annales du Premier Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} Lyon France : 27,28,29 May 1994 GLEM

Kruger C. Localisation des points auriculaires et premieres experiences d'auriculotherapy en medicine vetefinaire.{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 20 Jul 1980 Journal Article French Maisonneuve France

Li Y, Tang X, Zhang Y, Wu F. The effect of stimulating the auricular liver-gall acupoint with electrode on synaptic.of nucleus originis dorsalis nervi vagi in rabbits. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1992- 17(3):201-6 Journal article Chinese China

Lubbe AM. Comment on auriculotherapy in canine thoracolumbar disc disease [letter; comment]. J S Afr Vet Assoc 1990 Dec; 61(4)-187 Medline 97193519

Navach JH. Accelerated healing of fractures in horses by electromagnetic stimulation.

Navach JH. Accelerated healing of surgical fractures in cattle by electromagnetic stimulation.

Navach JH. Animal models demonstrating electromagnetic effects upon vertebrate animals utilizing rodents . International Congress of Acupuncture and Applied Techniques, Sorrento, Italy September 10, 1982

Nogier P; Corcelle J. Recherches sur le lapin. Travaux du GLEM a l'ITERC{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 3 Apr 76 Journal Article France

Nogier PA, Corcelle J, Cahn MB. Experiences sur le lapin i l'institut de therapeutique experimentale et de recherches cliniques (ITERC).{" "} Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 18 Jan 1980 Journal Article French France

Nogier R, Nogier P, C1ement G. Recherche d'eventuelles modifications de la transmission d'influx somesthesiques sous 1'effet dune stimulation de la peau chez le lapin vigile. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 34 Jan 1984 Journal Article French France

Nogier R, Nogier P, Santini R, Menezo Y, Khatchadoufian C. Influence de l'illumination de la peau sur les agnes biogenes du plasma chez le lapin. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 29 Oct 1982 Journal Article French France

Nogier R, Santini R, Menezo Y. VAS. Stimulation lumineuses cutanees chez le lapin. Leur influence sur les taux d'amines vasopressives plasmatiques. Revue d'auriculomedicine no. 25 Oct 1981 Journal Article French France

Panzer RB, Chrisman CL. An auricular acupuncture treatment for idiopathic canine epilepsy: a preliminary report.{" "} Amer J Chin Med 1994; 22 (i): 11-7. Journal article English United States

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Zhang Y, Li Y, Tang X, Ji C, Chen L. The effect of stimulating the auricular liver-gall point on the size of gallbladder of the rabbit.{" "} Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1993, 18 (l):7 3-4 Journal article Chinese China

Zhang Y, Yang K, Yu X, Zhang H, Ye X,Tian J. A study on the effect of stimulating auricular points on the biliary tract.{" "} Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1992; 17 (l): 39-41 Medline 93008907 Journal article Chinese China

9.2 Experimental Pain Threshold and Induced Physical Symptoms

Ceccherelli F, Gagliardi G, Seda R, Giron G. Ear acupuncture and pain threshold animal and human experimentation.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM.

Ceffa GC, Chio C, Gandini G. Muscular tensions of the back studied with telethermography- changes induced with static measures and auricular acupuncture. preliminary report. Minerva Med 1980 Mar-, 71 (12): 899-903 Medline 80188676 Journal article Italian Italy

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Johnson MI, Hajela VK, Ashton CH, Thompson JW. The effects of auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on experimental pain threshold and autonomic function in healthy subjects. Pain 1991 46 (3) 337-42.

King CE, Clelland JA, Knowles CJ, Jackson JR. Effect of helium-neon laser auriculotherapy on experimental pain threshold. Phys Ther{" "} 1990 Jan;70 (1):24-30 Medline 90099590 Journal Article Randomized Controlled Trial English

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9.3 Endorphin Release, Enkephalins, Dynorphins, Naloxone Reversal, Angiotensin, Substance P

Blum K, Briggs AH, Trachtenberg MC, Delailo L, Wallace JE. Enkephalinase inhibition: regulation of ethanol intake in genetically predisposed mice. Alcohol 1987 Nov Dec;4 (6) 449-56.

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9.4 Body Physiology, Biochemistry, Neuroanatomical Studies, Neuron Firing Activity

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Bragin E, Batueva NN, Monaenkov KA. Role of catecholamine neurons in the reticular lateral nuclei in regulating sensitivity to pain during exposure to reflex stimuli. Biull Eksp Biol Med 1983 May; 95(5):19-21 Medline 83205236 Journal article Russian

Bragin E, Batueva NN, Vasilenko GF. Role of giant cell nuclei of the reticular formation in mechanisms of analgesia during auricular electroacupuncture and action of morphine Biull Eksp Biol Med{" "} 1988 Oct; 106 (10):390-2 Medline 89051174 Russian

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Khramov RN Karpuk NI Vorobev VV Galchenko AA Kosarskii LS. The electrical activity of the hypothalamus in exposure to millimeter-wave radiation at biologically active points. Biull Eksp Biol Med{" "} 1993 Sep; 116 (9) 263-5 Medline 94162581 Journal article Russian Russia

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Magnin P. Le systeme limbique et l'integration de l'information.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine 2000 {" "} Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

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9.5 EEG, Evoked Potentials, MRI Scans, PET Scans, SPECT

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Alimi D. Essai de la stimulation auriculaire sur l'imagerie cerebrale recueillie par I.R.M. fonctionnelle.{" "} Annales du Troisieme Symposium International d'Auriculotherapy et d'Auriculomedicine {" "} 2000 Lyon France 26,27,28 May 2000 GLEM French

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