2024-03-06 00:03:20 -06:00

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# ngen
Build file generator (engine) for the [Ninja build
Licensed under the GPLv3.
## Methodology and Overview
The problem with existing meta build systems---or makefile generators---like
[Meson]( and [CMake]( is that they
are needlessly complex for small-to-medium-sized C/C++ projects. These projects
are just large enough that hand-writing a makefile would be painful, but trying
to configure a large meta build system would be just as painful. It is
unacceptable that building a simple project with 10 .c files and a library
requires knowledge of a unique, obscure configuration language which is
constantly changing.
*ngen* aims to make generating build files for these small C/C++ projects as
simple as possible by using a basic key-value configuration file using patterns
that any experienced programmer should be familiar with. In doing so, ngen fills
the gap between writing your own makefile and wrangling with CMakeLists.txt.
ngen generates files for the small and modern [Ninja](
build system. "Where other build systems are high-level languages Ninja aims to
be an assembler," according to Ninja's website. It can be thought of as a
simpler, faster replacement for the classic `make`. It is used by default by
Meson; CMake can also be configured to use ninja as a backend. Ninja is used by
used by Google to build Chromium, v8, etc., and it is also used to build LLVM.
(All this to say, Ninja is commonly used and it is likely installed on your
system already.)
## Building
Build: `cargo build --release`
Install: `sudo sh`
Uninstall: `sudo sh`
## Usage
What follows is a tutorial of how to set up ngen for an existing executable
project. If you are looking for a reference, look <SOMEWHERE>.
The first thing you will need is an `ngen.toml` file. This is what will specify
all of the build parameters, such as compilation flags, source files to track,
etc. Start by creating this file and opening it in your editor.
The simplest valid `ngen.toml` just lists the source files you want to track.
Lets say you have a executable project that looks like this:
├── ngen.toml
└── src
├── foobar.c
├── functions.c
├── include
│   ├── foobar.h
│   ├── functions.h
│   ├── main.h
│   └── util.h
├── main.c
└── util.c
In your `ngen.toml`, write the following:
sources = [
**The `sources` key is a *list* of *strings*, each specifying a single source
file name.**
Now run `ngen`. This will generate a `` file in the current working
directory. You won't ever have to touch this file; that's what ngen is for. You
also won't ever have to run `ngen` yourself again (unless your ``
gets deleted); Ninja will take care of regenerating the build file if
`ngen.toml` changes.
With your `` generated, run `ninja` on the command line. That's it!
Your project is now built, you will find the executable at `build/main/a.out`.
Remember, you can also freely add and remove files from the above list without
running `ngen` again: Ninja will regenerate the `` for you.
Now, while this is functional, it isn't very useful. It is very likely that you
will want to specify a compiler (gcc/clang), pass some flags, link some
libraries into your final executable, and definitely name your program something
other than "a.out." ngen makes these things dead simple, too.
**The `outfile` key is a *string* that specifies the name of the file produced
by the `linker` (see below).**
Lets set this to "example."
outfile = "example"
**The `compiler` key is a *string* that specifies the program that will be used
to turn .c files into .o files.**
By default, if not specified, `compiler` is set to "cc," which on Linux systems
should be a C compiler. It should be noted that the compiler you choose must
support the `-MD` and `-MF` flags to generate dependency files (both gcc and
clang support this). Lets say we want to use "gcc." Add the following line to
your `ngen.toml`:
compiler = "gcc"
**The `compiler_flags` key is a *list* of *strings* that contains the arguments
to be passed to the `compiler` during the compilation of each `source` file.**
It is not necessary to add the `-c` or `-o outfile` flags, ngen will take care
of this for you. For example, add the following to your `ngen.toml`:
compiler_flags = ["-Wall", "-Wextra -O2"]
**The `linker` key is a *string* that specifies the program that will be used to
combine the .o files into the final `outfile`.**
If the `linker` key is not found, it will be set to the value of `compiler`. For
this example, we don't have to change anything here.
**The `linker_flags` key is a *list* of *strings* that contains the arguments to
be passed to the `linker` during the linking of the `outfile`.**
Library flags (`-lm`, `-lyourlib`) should NOT be included here. This is for
linker options, not libraries. The syntax is the same as `compiler_flags`. There
is nothing we have to set here.
**The `linker_libs` key is a *list* of *strings* that contains the link library
arguments to be linked to the `outfile`.**
THIS is where library flags (`-lm`, `-lyourlib`) go. Lets say our example
project needs the math library:
linker_libs = ["-lm"]
Now, our `ngen.toml` looks like this:
outfile = "example"
compiler = "gcc"
compiler_flags = ["-Wall", "-Wextra -O2"]
linker_libs = ["-lm"]
sources = [
This is a much more realistic looking project. Once again, any changes to any of
these values will be automatically picked up by Ninja and accounted for in the
build. Running `ninja -v` immediately after saving `ngen.toml` should show that
the options you set were recognized, and your files were rebuilt accordingly.
TODO: explain
- seperate targets
- config table